决堤之时:四幕安魂曲When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts(2006)



导演:Spike Lee / 


Plot Summary:In August 2005, the American city of New Orleans was struck by the powerful Hurricane Katrina. Although the storm was damaging by itself, that was not the true disaster. That happened when the city's flooding safeguards like levees failed and put most of the city, which is largely below sea level, underwater. This film covers that disastrous series of events that devastated the city and its people. Furthermore, the gross incompetence of the various governments and the powerful from the local to the federal level is examined to show how the poor and underprivileged of New Orleans were mistreated in this grand calamity and still ignored today.
素以风格犀利著称的美国黑人导演斯派克·李为“卡特里娜”飓风灾难制作的纪录片《决堤之时:四幕安魂曲》2006年8月15日晚在美国新奥尔良大剧场首映,1.6万新奥尔良人观看了影片。   这部长达4小时的纪录片讲述的是新奥尔良市如何遭“卡特里娜”飓风袭击变为一片废墟,该市居民如何因政府救灾措施不力而被迫流落四方。影片清晰地传达出这样一个信息:这场灾难降临近一年以后,新奥尔良市仍是百孔千疮。   影片一改李往日的风格,他本人既没有在片中出现,也没有为全片安排一个叙述人。整部影片全由新奥尔良市民直面镜头,讲述他们自己的故事。身为纽约人的李在新奥尔良有不少文艺界的朋友,飓风发生时他正在意大利参加威尼斯电影节,从灾难降临的那一刻他就知道这是一部他不得不制作的影片。美国《新闻周刊》在评论这部影片时说:“这无疑是他20年电影生涯中最重要的一部作品。”


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