During rehearsals, the script was exhaustively discussed and redrafted by the cast, with Richard Curtis having the final say on the content. Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Rowan Atkinson were comic writers/actors themselves, and having worked together on previous Blackadder series were not afraid to question the script and make suggestions. However, this caused tensions to arise between the writers and the cast; in interviews Ben Elton felt that they had allowed the cast to question every aspect of the script, while Tony Robinson claims "the writers felt we were unilaterally altering the script for the worse; by the end, they felt we had run away with it." The ill-feeling between the writers and actors, coupled with the draining scripting and rehearsals led to everyone deciding not to make more Blackadder shows.

黑爵士四世Blackadder Goes Forth(1989)

主演:罗温·艾金森 / 托尼·罗宾逊 / 休·劳瑞 / 

导演:Richard Boden / 编剧:理查德·柯蒂斯 Richard Curtis/本·埃尔顿 Ben Elton