谋害老妈Throw Momma from the Train(1987)

又名:扔阿妈出火车 / 推妈妈出火车


主演:Billy Crystal Danny DeVito Kim Greist 

导演:丹尼·德维托 / 编剧:Stu Silver


Plot Summary:Larry Donner is an author and writing professor who tutors people that want to write books. Larry's life has become a misery when his ex-wife Margaret has published a book he wrote under her name and has gotten rich over it. Owen Lift, one of Larry's students, offers Larry to kill Margaret, and in return Owen, wants Larry to kill his horrible mother. Larry thinks it's a joke, until he learns Owen killed his ex-wife. And Larry has now become the prime suspect.


心灵之光 • 令人潸然泪下的场景

“我的学生们都知道让我潸然泪下的场景来自斯督瑟温编剧的《谋害老妈》。 比利克里斯托扮演一个写作老师,