

主演:Michael Madsen Leslie Easterbrook Bill Moseley Lew Temple Julie Ann Emery 

导演:Robby Henson / 


Plot Summary:In rural Alabama, two couples find themselves in a fight for survival. Running from a maniac (The Tin Man) bent on killing them, they flee deep into the woods and seek refuge in a house. They soon realize the killer has purposely lured them to this house and that they are now trapped. As they huddle around an old fireplace, a tin can falls through the chimney. Scrawled on its side is a message from the killer, establishing his House Rules. The rules call for their deaths unless they kill at least one of the four. They have less than 12 hours to find a way to survive. At sunrise the game is over and everyone dies if the killer's demands aren't met. What they quickly learn is that the only way out... is in. But going further into this house--where unknown challenges await them--is equally deadly.
因女儿夭亡,伤心的杰克(Reynaldo Rosales 饰)和斯蒂芬妮(Heidi Dippold 饰)夫妇决定前往另一个城市生活。当他们行驶在阿拉巴马的荒漠中时,突然遭遇离奇车祸,在没有其他车辆经过和手机信号覆盖的情况下,夫妇俩只能弃车步行前进。   夜幕降临,大雨滂沱,狼狈的夫妇俩总算找到一间小屋借以栖身。小屋中住着怪异的三口之家,同时还有另一对因车祸来此落脚的夫妇。是夜,诡异恐怖之事接连发生,原本是避难的场所,一夜之间变成了生死抉择的行刑地……


peacock • 总觉得剧情介绍的不太对。

因为深受女儿死去的痛苦,要离开去某处。(确实没有听明白) 路遇车祸,避难到了那个屋子。 当然里面有怪