
又名:生于2008 / Taxi



导演:范俭 / 编剧:范俭


Plot Summary:Beijing, a city rushing toward modernization, is the coordinate of China. Covered in the mask of the night, desire grows. Taxi, swarming in the city, never seems to pause. A taxi driver, thirty years old, married for 7 years, lives in Beijing. His passion has gone, in a city on its peak time of passion. Passengers are, teachers, doctors, students, merchants, pimps, prostitutes, believers - In spring, the driver says to every passenger, \"the sand storm is coming tomorrow.\" Summer comes, the driver complains to the passengers that his wife doesn't love him anymore. The passengers also have their own share of stories of happiness and sorrow. Someone is going through a break-up and it is heart-breaking; someone came all the way to meet his old lover in a night club of Beijing; someone told the driver, it's normal to have a loveless life. Autumn time, the driver tells the passengers that, he wants to be a monk, but where is the place with the absolute peace? Different passengers have different responses and answers - Seasons change, color of the night remains, in which resides the stories of the mix of dreams, desires, and human nature.


老太太抹口红 • 《的哥》:折射生命的万象之镜

《的哥》:折射生命的万象之镜 ——纪录片编导范俭访谈 http://bbs.hdchina.or

post-hyphen • 北京的哥。

在纪实频道看到一部纪实片 叫《的哥》 讲一北京差头司机和形形色色的乘客们的对话 司机把摄像头固定放在

stan • 真实的生活。

没有种子,只有网上看了。 朴实的语言,道出生活的辛苦。 http://v.youku.com/v_

沙丁鱼2 • 挺有意思吧
