...we just fall in love all over again.

in the eyes of the church, Carlos and I were never divorced. Technically, the affair was the Victor, and god smot him. So we are good.

--I just thought by the time you did, you'd be used to the idea. And you won't leave me.
--Leave me? You think I'm that shallow?
--Gaby, I'm poor and blind...
--Yeah, the truth will freak me out, but I would come around. If you had just had a little faith in me, I could have proven to you that I was up for the challenge. But you robbed me of that chance.

To avoid future confusion, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.


绝望主妇 第一季Desperate Housewives(2004)

又名:欲乱绝情妻 第一季 / 靓太唔易做(港) 第一季 / 欲望师奶 第一季 / 疯狂主妇 第一季 / 绝望的主妇 第一季

主演:玛西亚·克劳斯 / 菲丽西提·霍夫曼 / 伊娃·朗格利亚 / 马克·摩斯 / 詹姆斯·丹顿 / 布兰达·斯特朗 / 特丽·哈彻 / 尼科莱特·谢里丹 / 

导演:拉里·肖 / David Grossman / 阿兰尼·珊福德 / 编剧:马克·切利 Marc Cherry

绝望主妇 第一季相关影评
