I love the way you love me.

Sometimes, that's even the most important thing in love you care about.
It weighs so much because it's the reason why love makes us feel on top of the world.

When you saw me flirting, you smashed a glass. And Victor started crunching poll numbers.
I need a man who cares enough to explode when he thinks he's gonna lose me.
I don't just love you, I love the way you love me.

超喜欢这段话, 或许这就是我为什么这么为Gaby着迷的原因吧, 她也会犯错,也会嫉妒,也会坏坏的去flirting 甚至pull the triger, 但她是勇敢的, 勇敢的活出那个真实的自己而不在意别人的目光, 勇敢的承认自己的爱

I can have any man I want because of this... waits for no man.




绝望主妇 第一季Desperate Housewives(2004)

又名:欲乱绝情妻 第一季 / 靓太唔易做(港) 第一季 / 欲望师奶 第一季 / 疯狂主妇 第一季 / 绝望的主妇 第一季

主演:玛西亚·克劳斯 / 菲丽西提·霍夫曼 / 伊娃·朗格利亚 / 马克·摩斯 / 詹姆斯·丹顿 / 布兰达·斯特朗 / 特丽·哈彻 / 尼科莱特·谢里丹 / 

导演:拉里·肖 / David Grossman / 阿兰尼·珊福德 / 编剧:马克·切利 Marc Cherry

绝望主妇 第一季相关影评
