天堂岛疑云 第三季Death in Paradise(2014)

主演:克里斯·马歇尔 萨拉·马丁斯 加里·卡尔 丹尼·约翰-儒勒 本·米勒 

导演:西拉·韦尔 / 编剧:Robert Thorogood

天堂岛疑云 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A quartet of Poole's university friends comes to the island and, whilst they are playing charades, Poole is murdered. Shambling inspector Humphrey Goodman arrives from England to lead the investigation and does not impress the locals with his clumsiness. He is surprised when the four suspects claim they did not know Poole worked on the island but then lawyer Angela Birkett confesses that she planned it as she had always had a crush on Poole, though he preferred Sasha, now married to abrasive James Moore. The other suspect, hard up Roger Sadler, bears a grudge against the victim from over a quarter of a century ago. However, using old photos of the group from their student days, Goodman wins his spurs and solves the case - though he is stunned when his wife rings to say she is leaving him.

天堂岛疑云 第三季的影评列表

五木 • ?!!Richard咋一上来就没了?!!


屠夫 • 天堂小岛风景如画,二代探长接棒一代……

天堂小岛风景如画,二代探长接棒一代…… 虽然其实已经更新完了第十一季,但是自己最近在补,才补完第三季