
as long as I can conceive something better than myself, I cannot be easy unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it. That’s the law of my life. That is the working within me of Life’s incessant aspiration to higher organization, wider, deeper, intenser self-consciousness and clearer self-understanding. It was the supremacy of this purpose that reduced love for me to the mere pleasure of a moment, art for me the mere schooling of my faculties, religion for me to a mere excuse for laziness - since it had set up a God who looked at the world and saw that it was good - against the instinct in me that looked through my eyes at the world and saw that it could be improved.

It is the absence of this instinct in you that makes you that strange monster called a Devil. It is the success with which you have diverted the attention of men from their real purpose, which in one degree or another is the same as mine, to yours, that has earned you the name of the Tempter. It is the fact that they are doing your will or rather drifting with your want of will that makes them the uncomfortable, false, restless, artificial, petulant, wretched creatures they are.

“ my friend. You think, because you have a purpose, that Nature must have one, you might as well expect it to have fingers and toes because you have them.”

But I should not have them if they serve no purpose. And I, my friend, am as much a part of Nature as my own finger is a part of me. If my finger is the organ by which I grasp the sword or the mandoline, my brain is the organ by which Nature strives to understand itself. We’re not possessed with a purpose beyond my own, I had better to be a ploughman than a philosopher. This is because the philosopher is in the grip of the Life Force. The Life Force says to him, ‘ I have done a thousand wonderful things unconsciously by merely willing to live and following the line of least resistance, now I want to know myself and my destination and choose my path.’

“What is the use of knowing?”

Why, to be able to choose the line of greatest advantage instead of yielding in the direction of the least resistance. Does a ship sail to its destination no better than a log drifts wherever? The philosopher is Nature’s pilot. And there you have our difference. To be in hell is to drift, to be in heaven is to steer.

凡人与超人National Theatre Live: Man and Superman(2015)

又名:人与超人 / 英国国家剧院现场:人与超人 / 英国国家剧院现场:凡人与超人

上映日期:2015-05-14(英国) / 2016-04(北京电影节)片长:220分钟

主演:拉尔夫·费因斯 / 因迪拉·瓦玛 / 克里·约翰逊 / 科林·黑格 / 尼克·亨德里克斯 / 尼古拉斯·勒·普雷沃斯特 / 蒂姆·迈克穆兰 / 

导演:西蒙·戈德温 / 编剧:萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw