
Hiina Kapsas • 牛仔靴:牛仔靴

you keep saying, you've got something for me, something you call it love. But confESS

你一直不停对我说, 说你有话告诉我, 你说对我真心爱, 拜托请你放坦白

you've been messing where you shouldn't have been messing and now someone else is getting all your bEST

你本不该四处搞, 你却拈花又惹草, 别人捷足早已经, 抢先在你身上登

/*these boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll dO

靴子造出来要走路, 自己的本分得守住

one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over yOU*/

有朝一日穿上脚, 把你浑身踩遍了

you keep lying when you oughta be truthing; you keep losing when you oughta not bET

本该老实吐真言, 你却谎话连成篇; 本来不该存侥幸, 铤而走险输光净

you keep saming when you oughta be changing; what's right is right, but you ain't been right yET

本该洗心重革面, 你死性不改哪肯变; 黑白善恶已分明, 你弃善从恶不思停


you keep playing where you shouldn't be playing, and you keep thinking that you'll never get bURNT

本该见好就收手, 你却寻花带问柳; 心里算盘打得美, 保险露不出狐狸尾

I've just found me a brand new box of matches, and what he knew you ain't had time to lEARN

不料东窗事已发, 辫子在我手里抓; 底细我摸得细又详, 给你打一个冷不防


Are you ready, boots? Start walking!

靴子啊, 靴子, 预备……踩!




导演:阿基·考里斯马基 / 编剧:Aki Kaurismäki
