十七岁初体验Try Seventeen(2002)

又名:幻想男孩 / All I Want


主演:Mandy Moore Elijah Wood Franka Potente 

导演:Jeffrey Porter / 编剧:Charles Kephart


Plot Summary:After 17-year-old misfit Jones Dillon (Wood) drops out of college on his first day, he moves into an old apartment building where he soon becomes entangled in the lives of his kooky new neighbors, including a temperamental photographer (Potente) and a self-absorbed aspiring actress (Moore). When he's not busy flirting with the ladies or learning to live on his own, would-be writer Jones divides his time between fending off queries from his alcoholic mother (Perkins), penning letters to an absentee father, and indulging in an overactive fantasy life. An auto accident forces a reality check, however, nudging Jones to grow up & decide what he really wants.
pp由于《魔戒》在全国大行其道,伊力亚·伍德的面孔广为人所认识,片商立即打其主意,邀请他拍摄青春喜剧《TrypSeventeen》。      pp戏中他饰演一名十七岁就读大学的学生,假扮成比自己真实年龄较大的男生,希望提早过成人生活,却发现自己从学生公寓邻居那边学得比课堂上还多,包括谈了一场刻骨铭心的三角恋爱,对象分別是一名力争上游的女演员(曼蒂摩兒),以及一名比他年纪大很多的摄影师(法兰克波丹特),   很典型的青春故事。


豆瓣飘香 • 女主像老徐,正太所欲也

在看马特·达蒙的资料,突然脑细胞大为活跃,想起早在学校里看谍影重重的时候就对女主角 弗兰

Fan • 还不错的电影

一段由男孩成长为男人的心路历程,本来是冲着MANDY MOORE去看的,意外的发现《劳拉快跑》的女主