科幻科学:不可能的物理学 第一季Sci Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible(2009)

又名:科学频道 科幻科学:不可能的物理学


导演:Luke Ellis / Matthew P. Hickey / 

科幻科学:不可能的物理学 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:What first appears to be a send-up of classic science fiction is in fact a thorough examination of the real-world science behind the sensationalism. In the pilot episode, the physics behind a hypothetical alien invasion are explained. With the help of scientists and engineers from NASA, JPL, the Department of Energy, the U.S. Army, a major special effects studio, and various universities, the Sci-Fi Science crew explores force fields, lasers, lightning guns, rail guns, extrasolar planets and other "science fiction" concepts that are in fact, quite real. A campy, animation-rich alien invasion of Los Angeles provides the jumping-off point for real science demonstrations.

科幻科学:不可能的物理学 第一季的影评列表

杨友三 • 一位科学家的科幻之旅

第4集《如何心灵传输》 在电影《星际迷航》等科幻电影中,经常发生将一个人瞬时传输到另外一个地方的情

shumi2 • 整个一恐怖分子!

看了平行宇宙星际旅行这一集,白发翁加来道雄把他的恐怖计划向世人娓娓道来: 1. 他要离开地球,进入平

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