火星叔叔马丁 第一季My Favorite Martian(1963)

又名:亲爱的马丁 第一季 / 马丁叔叔 第一季 / 火星人马丁叔叔 第一季 / 火星叔叔马丁

主演:雷·沃尔斯顿 比尔·贝克比 Pamela Britton 

导演:Mel Ferber / Wes Kenney / 

火星叔叔马丁 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Exigius Twelve and a Half, an exoanthropologist from the planet Mars, becomes stranded on Earth after his one-man spaceship narrowly misses a NASA rocket plane and crashes near Los Angeles. The alien is rescued by Tim O'Hara, a newspaper reporter who explains the Martian to friends and authorities by introducing him as his Uncle Martin. "Uncle Martin" looks human, except when he extends his retractable antennae with which he can become invisible. His special powers and unusual illnesses present a constant challenge to Tim in his efforts to preserve his friend's cover.

火星叔叔马丁 第一季的影评列表

不如归去 • 你来自火星

让人回忆起来仍会内牛满面的片子啊~~ 以前都会准点守在电视机前等马丁叔叔,他是最可爱最欢乐的外星来客