
又名:危险陷阱 / 人饵 / 诱饵


主演:Jamie Foxx David Morse 

导演:安东尼·福奎阿 / 编剧:Robert Kuhn (Adam Scheinman)/安德鲁 沙因曼 (Andrew Scheinman)/托尼 吉尔罗伊 (Tony Gilroy)


Plot Summary:In New York, Alvin Sanders is a small-time thief who's just been hauled in for stealing a bunch of prawns (shrimp) from a local restaurant. He ends up in a cell with John Jaster, one half of a high-tech criminal team that's just stolen $42,000,000 worth of gold from the Federal Reserve. Realizing that he could die at any moment from his worsening heart condition, Jaster tells Alvin to relay a cryptic message to his wife about the whereabouts of the hidden gold. Alvin doesn't know exactly what the message means, and Edgar Clenteen, the U.S. Treasury investigator working the case, hopes it will lead to the gold or Jaster's partner Bristol, but it does neither. Eighteen months later, Jaster is dead, and both Clenteen and Bristol are still looking for that gold. Clenteen decides to secretly plant a tracking device in Alvin's jaw, release him from prison, and then let the word out that he knows where the gold is hidden. Knowing that Bristol is probably watching their every move, Clenteen hopes Alvin will act as the bait that'll lure Bristol in. To the dismay of Clenteen and his colleagues, agents Wooly, Blum, Boyle, and Walsh, who are tracking Alvin's every word and move, Alvin immediately gets into trouble, although he decides to go straight once he learns that while he was in prison, his girlfriend Lisa Hill gave birth to their son. Even so, run-ins with his criminal brother, Stevie Sanders and Stevie's two partners, Ramundo and Julio, puts Alvin in danger of being locked up again, which threatens to mess up Clenteen's plan. What will happen when Alvin realizes that he's being used as bait to nail Bristol?
当美国联邦金库被盗走价值四千万美元的黄金后,探员科林汀(Clenteen)被财政部受命调查此事。为了找回黄金,抓住主要案犯布里斯托 (Bristol),科林汀决定从被抓的案犯同谋约翰(John Jaster)入手。然而事有不测,在审讯中约翰因心脏病突发死亡,这样唯一的线索也失去了。于是,科林汀利用约翰的狱友阿尔文(Alvin)作诱饵,设了一个陷阱,让布里斯托不请自到,并将其抓获……


费奥拉诺 • 借用nike广告语:“就看你怎么玩”

片子没有新鲜的创意,缺乏独特之处,但对于仅借以消遣饭后的时光还是不错的 -- 所以说,就看你怎么看了