
主演:D·J·科特罗纳 乔恩·福斯特 杰森·杰德里克 爱丽丝·格蕾岑 拉娜·帕瑞娅 卢克·贝里 莎拉·温特 艾玛·普莱斯科特 

导演:Laurie McCarthy / Gwendolyn M. Parker / 


Plot Summary:Twenty suburban neighbors who played tho lottery together for years suddenly win a fortune working out at $19,000,000 each. Yet is also brings huge problems for many. Sean is a fugitive after an accident, so he offers lawyer Zoe half to cash his share, but she and his past shower misery over him time and again. Peter convinces a few others to take charge of the town's nearly bankrupt bicycle factory. Peter's wife Nina betrays him for partner Cameron, whose marriage to Beth also shatters over her child-wish. Minor Damien leaves home spending big, but ends up married to illegal Russian gold-digger Galina, who attracts all kinds of trouble. One share is disputed as Sunny claims it instead of a regular player.
Twenty friends share in a multimillion-dollar lottery jackpot, only to experience the problems of instant wealth.


沃冭那勒星人 • 一切从钱开始
