五等文官Статский советник(2005)

又名:The State Counsellor / 火车谋杀案


主演:Oleg Menshikov Vladimir Mashkov Nikita Mikhalkov Konstantin Khabensky 

导演:Филипп Янковский / 编剧:Борис Акунин


Plot Summary:Third film based on Boris Akunin's "Priklucheniya Erasta Petrovicha Fandorina" series of novels. On a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow general Khrapov was killed and no one else but Erast Petrovich is under suspicion because the killer pretended to be Fandorin. There are initials BG on the handle of the knife Khrapov was stabbed with, the initials belong to a terrorist organization which keeps both capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in fear. This time Fandorin is not the only one trying to solve the crime, general Pozharski, a famous detective takes over the investigation...
19世纪末期在俄国帝国发生的故事。前gendarme 军团司令员, 现任西伯利亚州长兼将军 Hrapov 从莫斯科到西伯利亚,途中在快车上被害,他是在火车上的大臣车厢内被一个陌生人杀死的。可是根据守卫的报告, Hrapov是被国会议员Erast Petrovich Fandorin(Oleg Menshikov)行刺的。后者当Hrapov 在莫斯科逗留期间是负责他的保安的。可是当Hrapov守卫来到莫斯科认识真正的Fandorin 时,他们相识凶手是冒认国会议员的。 现在Fandorin 马上开始调查,誓言把真凶绳之以法。


chipda大猫 • 俄罗斯的底子

其实不算个侦破片,所以《火车谋杀案》这名字没有《国家顾问》靠谱。 没有惊心动魄,没有

Mumu • ...

the state counsellor我以为看不下去了,因为字幕错后太多完全对不上,hx地发现km