

主演:Jack May Susan Sheridan Derek Griffiths 

导演:Richard Taylor / 


Plot Summary:A big green alien named Muzzy visits Earth where he meets a gardener named Bob who works for the palace of Gondoland. Bob is in love with the princess, except the king and queen don't favor Bob's relationship to their daughter. Corvax, the vizier who also loves the princess makes sure that Bob wouldn't stand in his way of winning the hand of the princess. It's up to Muzzy to set things right, by helping Bob get together with the woman of his dreams.
A young girl reads a book that tells her the story of Muzzy in Gondoland, and his adventures with the King and Queen...


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那里有灌木 有直升机 有整片整片的玫瑰园 有闹钟 有计算机 还有喜欢公主的长鼻子坏人 ......