


主演:Georges Corraface Giorgos Gerontidakis-Sempetadelis Anny Loulou 

导演:Costas Kapakas / 编剧:Costas Kapakas


Plot Summary:Stefanos is a man at his 40's who has inherited a fortune from his mother's aunt. One day Manolis, his schoolmate, calls him and invites him to a party featuring an old friends' reunion. Surprised and delighted to hear his old friend's voice, Stefanos travels back in time, to his childhood and his youth, and remembers his extraordinary relationship with his cousin Marina, his best friend and first love. In a great long flashback, he remembers the utmost detail of his childhood, the family reunions, travels, acquaintances, and most importantly cousin Marina. By the coming of age, the dimension of the close friendship between Stefanos and Marina goes out of hand, and reaches its peak at a party when both are at their 20's. That party, that house, Marina... It won't be the last turn in Stefanos' life involving the very same trio...
卡罗索(乔治斯·科拉菲斯 Georges Corraface 饰)因为要参加同学聚会,而回到了阔别已久的故乡,在那里,熟悉的景象勾起了他无数的回忆,也让那个隐藏在他回忆深处的人影渐渐清晰起来。这个人是卡罗索的表妹马丽娜(Markella Pappa 饰),两人是青梅竹马的玩伴,整天就在一起虚度无忧无虑的童年。随着年龄的增长,卡罗索和马丽娜都渐渐意识到两人之间性别的不同,本来单纯的友谊也慢慢变成了爱情,此时,卡罗索的父母选择将儿子送进了教会学校,两人的缘分就此终结。   一晃眼多年过去,卡罗索如他童年时代许下的愿望那般,真的成为了一名飞机工程师,同学聚会当天,他意外的接到了来自马丽娜的电话。


桐羽 • 薄荷,清凉。

薄荷,有些苦,有些凉,吃过之后吸口气,就尝到了风的滋味。 他经历的那些我们都曾经历。 换牙的时候