開頭一位老爺爺這樣說:"this is the message for the world that it's the future music...this is the example we can all learn"可把我震了,搞試點單位啊...
rattle都這樣說:"i would say my own experience, there's no more important work being done in music now than it's done in Venezuela."高度褒獎了委國的努力了吧,還有:"if anybody ask me where is the sth. really important going on for the future of classical music, i would simply have to say, here in venezuela.""it's so clear that the orchestra and the work is being done in music here is not only a rich in lifes but saving lives."嘖嘖!盛讚啊...不過!請不要被被筆者稍有憤世嫉俗的筆調嚇跑了!南美——kremer和阿姐還有dudamel小盆友etc.都是南美的欸...
rattle還有兩段講話筆者認為蠻重要的, 在此不一一摘錄.
(筆者對西語部份感到無能是莫大的遺憾, 請多多幫助和指教,多謝!)


去演奏 去战斗Tocar Y Luchar(2006)

又名:To Play and to Fight


主演:Claudio Abbado / Jose Antonio Abreu / Daniel Arias / 

导演:Alberto Arvelo Mendoza /