哈维·米尔克的时代The Times of Harvey Milk(1984)

上映日期:1984-10-07(纽约电影节) / 1985-09-20(芬兰)片长:90分钟


导演:罗伯·爱泼斯坦 / 编剧:Carter Wilson/Judith Coburn


Plot Summary:2 Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Harvey Milk & San Francisco Mayor, 'George Moscone (I)' were assassinated by recently resigned Supervisor Dan White on Monday, November 27th, 1978, approximately 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM. Milk's life leading up to his election, his successful efforts to politically represent San Francisco's gay community, and the city's reaction to the assassinations are documented with extensive news film and personal recollections.
一部关于曾被美国时代杂志选为20世纪代表人物之一的同性恋政治家Harvey Milk的记录片。   Harvey Milk是首个以公开同性恋者身份者角逐成功为美国旧金山市重要官员,生前致力争取同性恋者的公民权益。他被暗杀前,很有希望当选为卡斯特罗(旧金山最著名的同性恋街区)的市长。70年代间,当他推动通过旧金山市首个同性恋者的公民权益条例之际,Harvey Milk与他的政冶盟友George Moscone于1978年11月28日被保守派前旧金山市前警察官Dan White刺杀而死,事件唤醒了当地同性恋者,使他们对争取自身权益作出了强烈的反省和回应。   1985年奥斯卡最佳长记录片


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