I am meticulous about every dish that I seve.
No matter whta's going on. No matter how tired I am. I cook every dish myself. I want it to be the best. Because I'm not just a street cook. I'm a chef.
这家店以卖蟹肉蛋卷crab meat omelette闻名,Jay Fai 做过十年裁缝,那时候她是满足的。某天因为店铺突然起火,缝纫机和各种工具全部被烧光。她说到 “had nothing left"时候的眼眶红。那时候她25岁,不知道之后该做什么。后面她看见妈妈做面很慢,一直有几位顾客在等,她打算做厨师。母亲说她做不了时候,她自信的回应很霸气。
When I started to cook, the customers saw I had talent. Right then, I began to see my path
mark: 店里的Tom Yum冬阴功汤 + Jay Fai自创的dry Tom Yum+Drunken Noodles
Higher quality ingredients means higher prices.
I was proud of my bravery and I never regretted it.
Our customers missed us so much, they took taxis out to see us. The noodles cost 60 baht, the taxi costs over 300 baht.

Osaka is Japan's kitchen.
Eat till you drop.

I'm saved by my customers' smile.
In this short life, making people happy is more important than making money.
I dip my hand in ice water quickly and cook while praying "May it be delicious"
blowtorch 喷灯

Mr Kita's shop is the second oldest takoyaki shop in Japan

街头绝味 第一季Street Food: Asia(2019)

又名:世界小吃(台) / 世界小吃 亚洲篇 / 街头美食 / 街边有食神(港) / 路边摊 / Street Food Aisa


导演:编剧:大卫·贾柏 David Gelb/布莱恩·麦金恩 Brian McGinn

街头绝味 第一季相关影评

Shayne •