成吉思汗的孩子们Чингисийн Хүүхдүүд(2017)

又名:草原骑手 / Children of Genghis / Chingesiin huuhduud


主演:布兰妮·柏尔特 Ankhnyam Ragchaa Batmend Baast Enkhjavkhlan Gerelbayar 

导演:照勒巴雅尔 / 


Plot Summary:The Mongolian people from long ago have had a tradition of three cultural games that have always been around during the time of festivities. Mongolian wrestling, racing horses and archery were among the three traditional games. This story will focus on the horse racing tradition. The town's best horse race trainer Bold, has many people gathered at his house for a special announcement. Bold begins to brag about his horses and skills and how no one in town is better than him. Bold begins to talk about his most prized horse, the brown steed that still has yet to find its rider. After hearing this the townspeople recommend Dambii's eldest son Dorj to be the rider. Upon hearing this Boldoo decides to ask Dambii's son Dorj to be the rider for his horse. Dambii lives with his wife, Dolgor and three sons, Dorj (12 yrs old), Byambaa (8 yrs old) Nanzaa (4 yrs old) in the vast countryside in Mongolia. All of Dambii's sons have a knack for the horse. When Bold recruites Dambii's eldest son his ...


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