
点点 • 命运之石:Patriotism

Why are people willing to risk their own lives for such a stone which seems very ordinary? Is it magic? No, that’s all because of patriotism. In fact, the stone of destiny is not an ordinary stone as it looks but the symbol of Scotland. It was the Coronation Stone of Scotland, and every Scottish monarch stood on this stone when they have been crowned, until Edward I took it as a spoil of the invasion to Scotland. Even now, many Scots felt ashamed of being plundered of it. Therefore, the back of stone of destiny awakes and inspires the patriotism of Scots. In this film, these four students show their strong patriotism because they are proud of being Scottish and sacrifice themselves for their country.
As I mentioned above, these students display very sincere love to their country as they all have strong sense of their national identity. Although Scotland has been taken control of English for several hundred years, they still consider themselves as Scottish, not British but Scottish. For example, Hamilton always says they are “children of Scotland”. So every time they see the words “North Britain” to describe their country-Scotland-on a pub mirror, they all feel extremely indignant and depressed. They try to awake the patriotism from their compatriot’s deep heart and bring back the glory of their country. They hope someday Scotland will be governed by Scots and every Scot feels proud of being Scottish. When they retrieved the stone from London, they four celebrated in pub, and Gavin changed the words “North Britain” to “Scotland” and added a big “exclamation mark”. By seeing that, everyone in pub was excited, and at that moment, the pride of Scottish came back. To sum up, these four students are so proud of their country and their Scottish identity.
Additionally, these four students display their strong patriotism by risking their own lives for bringing back a short glory for their country. Although they are college students owning bright future, they gave up their bright futures and accomplished what others want to do but dare not do, with the aim to inspire their compatriot’s awareness of their Scottish identity. At the beginning of the film, Ian’s best friend Bill planed to retrieve the stone with Ian, but once he realized how serious Ian was about the stone, he backed out. That was only because Bill was not willing to risk his life and give up his bright future. However, they four-Ian, Kay, Gavin and Alan-were willing to sacrifice all they have and even their lives, without hesitation. From that, we could see how deeply these four love their country. At the end of this film, they were all arrested, but we cannot see any regret from their faces, since what they did is all for their country. To conclude, these four students are real patriots because they are the people who can sacrificed themselves yet others cannot for their own country.
The back of stone of destiny means not only the back of the symbol of Scotland but also the back of Scottish spirit. These four students tell us the meaning of patriotism by their behaviors and attitudes towards their country. To be a real patriot, we should not only have a strong sense of our national identity but also have willingness to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our own country. Through this simple comedy, we have learnt an important lesson.

命运之石Stone of Destiny(2008)


主演:Charlie Cox/Kate Mara/Billy Boyd/Ciaron Kelly/Robert Carlyle

导演:Charles Martin Smith编剧:Charles Martin Smith