传颂之物 虚伪的假面:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:When I came to, I realized I was standing in the middle of a vast, snowy plain I knew nothing of. I didn't know how I got there. And to add to that, I couldn't remember anything, not even my name. I stood there, dumbfounded at my absurd situation. But then, as if to spite me further, a gigantic monster suddenly appeared, an insect-like creature that began to bear down on me. I tried desperately to run, but it cornered me into a hopeless situation. It was then that the girl appeared. Her name was Kuon. It was this beautiful girl, who bore an animal's ears and tail, that saved my life.
电视动画《传颂之物 虚伪的假面》改编自AQUAPLUS推出的同名游戏。主要讲述一名青年在恢复意识后,发现自己站立在了大雪纷飞的荒野上,并且处于失忆的状态。在遭到昆虫般怪物的袭击时,他被名为久远的少女所救。就这样,青年有了“哈克”这个名字,并且与久远同行……

传颂之物 虚伪的假面的影评列表

昇(のぼる) • emmmm,有辱传颂之物之名的喂屎作

玩过第一部游戏,看过第一季动画,于是满怀期待点开了第二季虚伪的假面。 前半部分,对剧情毫无推进意义的

星陨 • 剧情上改动又成了败笔……


C.B.Preacher • 先看动画再玩原作才发现动画的质量太糟糕


杨杨杨12 • 传颂之物 虚伪的假面 动画与原作的区别

来自 b站 仅限科普,不做优劣对比 (原作游戏)————(动画) 改动1:哈克队+奥修特尔