明星雇员Employee of the Month(2006)



主演:杰西卡·辛普森 戴克斯·夏普德 戴恩·库克 

导演:格雷格·库利奇 / 编剧:Don Calame/Chris Conroy


Plot Summary:Slacker Zack Bradley works as a box boy at Super Club, a warehouse club store. It is the lowest in the job hierarchy at the store. He doesn't work very hard at his job, and along with some of his fellow employee friends treats the store like his playground. Regardless, he is well liked by most of the other employees. He used to be hard working, when he was developing a dot com, but he lost all his and his grandmother's money in the process. As such, he decided not to take any risks in life while he now lives with her so as to provide her with what he considers at least a more reliable life. On the other extreme is Vince Downey, who lords an air of superiority over his fellow employees as the store's head cashier. He lives to be the store's best employee solely so that he can be named Employee of the Month, which he has been named seventeen months in a row. If he is named Employee of the Month for a record eighteenth time in a row, he will be rewarded with entrance into the corporation's management track program and a new car. Zack decides he wants to break Vince's streak if only because he reads in the employment record of recent transfer, the pretty Amy Renfro, that she had a thing at her previous store for men who have been named Employee of the Month. Zack finds that working toward being Employee of the Month is not as easy as he thought, especially as Vince will not relinquish the title and all its perks without a fight, dirty or not. Zack has to decide how far he is willing to go to get the title and the girl.
扎克(戴恩·库克 Dane Cook 饰)和文斯(戴克斯·夏普德 Dax Shepard 饰)供职于一家全国规模最大,商品最齐全,折扣最丰富的超级市场中,在这里,成为每月的“明星雇员”无疑是每一个工作人员的理想与希望。这十年来,履历、年龄、工龄均极为相似的扎克和文斯却走上了两条完全不同的道路,扎克工作勤勤恳恳,恪尽职守的他不仅被连升数职,更是连续17次获得了“明星雇员”的称号。反观文斯,生活里乏善可陈,工作中偷懒耍滑,所以直到现在,他依旧处于超市食物链的最低端。   一个名叫艾米(杰西卡·辛普森 Jessica Simpson 饰)的女人的到来打破了扎克和文斯平静的生活,漂亮的艾米声称,她只和“明星雇员”约会。为了争取和艾米约会的机会,文斯决定作出改变。


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