Human, All Too Human: 人类学(心理学生物学)简史。看了才知道道金斯这么牛的,跟前面诸位大佬并列。看后莫名对斯坦利顿生好感。

The Grand Experiment:Political and economic thinkers. the key to running a good society. 比上一集有争议多了,而且专注于uk us这块,我有苦说不出啊。

The Cultural War:从最开始狭窄的专属精英的culture,到词汇的扩宽,“culture study”的出现-各阶级皆文化,接着研究到日不落帝国的文化征服最后带过移民与内部文化的影响~辅以BBC媒体的出现带来/映射的文化变革
At the start of the century, thinkers had fought for a single idea of culture. But by the end it was as diverse as British society itself.
An ultimate scale of values?
Culturally, we are in the kind of phrase of primate revolution.


亲历大师Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words(2011)


主演:丽贝卡·弗朗特 Rebecca Front/Tariq Ali/戴维·阿滕伯勒 David Attenborough/Lisa Appignanesi/Tanya Byron/Stefan Collini/理查德·道金斯 Richard Dawkins/阿兰·德波顿 Alain de Botton/詹姆斯·福克斯 James Fox/Paul Gilroy/珍·古道尔 Jane Goodall/约翰·格雷 John Gray/Germaine Greer/Claudia Hammond/戴维·黑尔 David Hare/奥利弗·詹姆斯 Oliver James/Selma James/Adrian Laing/Armand Leroi/David Miliband/Henrietta Moore/John Redwood/Roger Scruton/Jean Seaton/Robert Skidelsky/Laurie Taylor
