1-he believed each of us has a powerful unconscious,shaped in our childhoods,manifest in our dreams,and ruded by sexual motivation.

2.socialism assumes that all available knowledge can be used by a single central authority.It overlooks that the modern society which I now prefer to call the extended order ,which exceeds the perception of any individual mind,is bsaed on the utilisation of widely dispersed knowledge and once you are aware that we can achieve that great utilization of available resources only because we utilise the knowledge of millions of men .it becomes clear that assunption of socialism that a central authority can command all this knowledge is not correct.
---socialism protesting against the production for profit not for use ,objects to what makes the extended society possible.production for use is only possible in a society whhere we know all facts.
---but to achieve the situation where we all working for people whom we do not know and are being supported by the work of people we do not know . is made possible because we produce for profit.
---profit is the signal which tells us what we must do in order to serve people whom we do not know
---in fact you can produce enough as to maintain the present population of the world ,only because of a spomtaneous process,a mechanism which enables you to make use of infinitely more information than any central authority possesses.


亲历大师Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words(2011)


主演:丽贝卡·弗朗特 / Tariq Ali / 大卫·爱登堡 / Lisa Appignanesi / Tanya Byron / Stefan Collini / 理查德·道金斯 / 阿兰·德波顿 / 詹姆斯·福克斯 / Paul Gilroy / 珍·古道尔 / 约翰·格雷 / Germaine Greer / Claudia Hammond / 戴维·黑尔 / 奥利弗·詹姆斯 / Selma James / Adrian Laing / Armand Leroi / 大卫·米利班德 / Henrietta Moore / John Redwood / Roger Scruton / Jean Seaton / Robert Skidelsky / Laurie Taylor / 
