范·德·沃克 第一季Van der Valk(2020)

又名:密探雄风(港) / 密探范德沃克(台) / 范德法尔克 / 沃克探案

主演:马克·沃伦 麦米·麦考伊 卢克·阿伦-盖尔 

导演:科林·蒂格 / 让·范德费尔德 / Max Porcelijn / 

范·德·沃克 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:With a theme tune that topped the UK music charts, crime stories that didn't shy away from sex and drugs and gangsters, a precinct made up largely of Amsterdam canals and a moody blond hero at its heart, the British detective series VAN DER VALK ran for 32 episodes over five series between 1972 and 1992 as British audiences were captivated by their first truly international detective. This is VAN DER VALK re-imagined in the Amsterdam of 2018 and beyond aiming to captivate audiences all over again with a new raft of compelling crime mysteries.

范·德·沃克 第一季的影评列表

清风若水 • 时代浪潮之下的探长和他所面对的犯罪

2020年因为新冠,全世界在应对的同时也在反思,从人性到制度,从人情到日记,从人到人。 在这样的大背