During the first half of twentieth century, the whole world was shrouded under the dark clouds of two World Wars. The damage these two World Wars brought to Scotland was much more serious than that to other areas in Britain. Scots, especially Highlanders, are famous for their bravery and patriotism. Therefore, the number of young men British military recruited from this area was much larger than that from other areas. Almost the whole young generation from highland died for their country, and innumerable Scottish Highland regiments became legend. The melody of bagpipes surrounding battlefields became one of the most representative symbols of the two World Wars. The naval base and shipbuilding base in Scotland provided necessary materials for British military to won the war.
At the same time, my country also suffered from the war. Japanese invaded East Asia and Southeast Asia, but most people from my country bravely fought against invaders. After eight year, my country won the war eventually, but hundreds of millions Chinese sacrificed themselves for our country. When we young generation think of that war, we all appreciate those brave men. That’s why I was impressed by the patriotic Highland Warriors.



主演:Alfred Anderson/Jim Anderson/Peggy Anderson/Arthur Barraclough/Claude Choules/Arthur Halestrap/Jonas Hart/Harry Patch

导演:Harvey Lilley
