检查站Check Point(2017)



主演:肯尼·约翰逊 凯恩·霍德尔 明迪·罗宾逊 泰勒·梅恩 威廉·弗西斯 比尔·戈德博格 弗雷德·威廉森 林立雯 斯蒂芬·杰弗里斯 Ricky Harris Krista Grotte Mel Novak Thomas J. Churchill Olga Safari 约翰·刘易斯 

导演:托马斯·丘吉尔 / 编剧:Thomas J. Churchill/AJ Perez


Plot Summary:Port City North Carolina: During a routine camp out, a local vagrant discovers plans for an invasion in America. When he tries to notify the local Sheriff about his discovery, the Sheriff dismisses his claims and has him locked up for loitering. When the Sheriff notices odd interactions with other towns folk he begins to look into the vagrants' claim of a sleeper cell living amongst the locals within this small town. After evidence of a beheading is exposed, others begin to fear that the insurgents attack on hometown USA. Questions and tempers begin to rise. Why this little beach community with it's Norman Rockwell way of life? A town where everyone knows one another... or so they thought. When the truth is blind and justice seems lost, It will take an army of five unlikely heroes banding together to infiltrate the insurgents and foil their invasion plans. War is Hell and Hell comes home at the Check Point.


唐宁 • 拯救美国

2022.10.14 罗伊·博伊尔是个退伍老兵,如今在港口城,一个旅游小城市,是个流落街头,蓬头垢面

影皇 • 这是一本制作粗糙的较差的电影

我把这本电影归为美国四流电影. 当然也有亮点,比如在1小时28分的时候就挺搞笑的,反派大块头撕破衣服

困惑的浪漫 • 整体想法是好的

整体想法是很好的 1.总统现在是不行的,退伍老兵流浪多年后洗完澡依旧是各种NB、端着枪就直接破门突突