
又名:De valse noot


主演:Werner Edebau 

导演:劳尔·瑟瓦斯 / 编剧:劳尔·瑟瓦斯 Raoul Servais


Plot Summary:A day in the life of an organ grinder, down on his luck, who wanders the streets of Paris, dreaming of what might be. He can't help but crank out the occasional false note, just often enough to enrage his listeners and discourage any donations. He dreams of playing a large pipe organ. The juke box drowns him out at a cocktail bar, a church organ drowns him out on a street, pinball machines drown him out at Luna Park. The city's neon lights and commercial posters overwhelm his small art. At the end of the day, he captures the tear of a calliope horse - his sole earnings for the day - which may prove magical.
比利时动画大师Raoul Servais1963年作品。一个街头艺人梦想拥有一架管风琴,可是没有人愿意聆听他的演奏,他只好向旋转木马倾吐心曲。。。


[已注销] • “卖音乐盒的老男孩”

大城市街头落魄的乞丐企图靠他的手摇音乐盒赚取一些怜悯。 可他的音乐盒却总是走调,在物质至上,娱乐至死