当你微笑时Dreaming of Joseph Lees(1999)


主演:鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 萨曼莎·莫顿 弗农·多布切夫 

导演:Eric Styles / 编剧:Catherine Linstrum


Plot Summary:Somerset, 1958. Eva enters adulthood with good humor, keeping house for her absent-minded father, letting her younger sister Janie in on the secrets of growing up, working at a furniture factory, and dreaming of Joseph Lees, her second cousin who's off in Africa and Italy as a geologist, but has lost a leg in an accident. She's also considering the advances of a local farmer, Harry Flite, ebullient and head over heels for Eva. She agrees to live with him and seems happy, then at a family wedding, Joseph appears, she asks him to dance, and her fantasy begins to clash with Harry's obsession.


松间乐乐 • Dreaming of Joseph Lees

2007-06-28 14:28 约瑟夫李,这个是个很动听的名字,念出来不由得带了几分柔情的向往。