
i'M not fine at all,Ada.

I've never forgotten you...I never thought this would happen. I'm nothing.

Everything's a pile of shit.Are you really over it or are you getting revenge?

You're smilng...Is it real? I never thought it would be like this.Right after we split up I felt light as a bird...

I thought i'd done both you and me a favour...until the smallest thing messed me up conpletely.

That day, a miniscule hairclip of yours laughed at me. It was that morning that I realised I'd lost you and so many other things.

You'd never be there again. I'd never have this with anyone else...Life kept laughing at me. I saw similar faces to yours, felt similar smells.heard similar voices, or I felt so. I don't know.

You know what? That tiny hairclip you lost one day but never knew where...It's still in my pocket.


No,Ada.That was a lie.I sometimes go to have a look at that street. And I imagine everything is like it once was. I just stand there. I imagine you're sitting inside and still creating little heroes...I delude myself,I try to console myself,


It was right after you I went to see her.To the house you were born in, to the town you spent your childhood in, my love. I took a short trip with your mother, into your past...I made her vow never to tell you...good for her.She kept her word.

I saw the house you grew up in,the bed you slep in,my love.I imagined you and your childhood.You were there and you didn't yet know you'd meet me one day.You lay across my lap.I told you a story. You grew up...a story in my head...

You know how I loved that...then I wrote us a happy ending. I sat with you in that house...we said nothing.You sat beside me in silence.

That was the end.It was another life.It was just you and me.

You looked at me blue and unfrenzied. We said nothing.Another happy ending in another life.

We deserved that...

Our story is there somewhere.It'll stay with me forever.Because that was the only way I could go on.

So a person's smell always stays the same...

I was surprised.

I took something of yours away with me, A 45 single.Arda Karde's Fairytales.If you go back home one day,you'll never know how that record went missing. And Muzeyyen Abla won't tell you.We won't let you have that satisfaction.

I still got your record,but you don't know it,and when I close my eyes,it's you I have in my arms,not anyone else...and you don't know it.


No...there's no one out there.Iwas lying.


I know,my love.

There's no one,There never will be.

You'll just borrow other people's kids,lives and bodies.To be returned later...

and you'll always be alone.

寂寞芳心Issız Adam(2008)

又名:孤独的男人 / Alone


主演:梅莉丝·柏坎 / 杰玛勒·胡那勒 / Yildiz Kültür / 耿贾古丽.苏纳 / Sezgin Erdemir / 

导演:查恩·厄尔马克 / 编剧:查恩·厄尔马克 Çagan Irmak


Amouor • 7-13