
又名:The Revenger


主演:狄龙 施思 

导演:鲍学礼 / 


Plot Summary:A Kung Fu warrior named Shao Tu (Li Tung) wanders around helping the oppressed, but makes many deadly enemies along the way. One such enemy is Mao (Wong Ching) who leads his army of fighters and plans a deadly plot to bring about Shao Tu's downfall.
A Kung Fu warrior named Shao Tu (Li Tung) wanders around helping the oppressed, but makes many deadly enemies along the way. One such enemy is Mao (Wong Ching) who leads his army of fighters and plans a deadly plot to bring about Shao Tu's downfall.


且相忘于江湖 • 从《湘妃剑》看《金剑残骨令》

对着渣画质和听着让人出戏的英语配音,我居然能看下去并且还有闲情逸致写这篇影评,看来我一定是真爱。 《