不择手段: 兰斯 · 阿姆斯特朗的故事Stop at Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story(2014)

又名:The Lance Armstrong Story - Stop at Nothing


主演:Stephanie McIlvain Reed Albergotti Betsy Andreu 

导演:Alex Holmes / 编剧:Alex Holmes

不择手段: 兰斯 · 阿姆斯特朗的故事:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:You think you know this story? You don't. From the producers of Academy Award winning film, ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER, and BAFTA Award winning Director Alex Holmes, this documentary is an intimate but explosive portrait of the man behind the greatest fraud in sporting history. Lance Armstrong enriched himself by cheating his fans, his sport and the truth. But the former friends whose lives and careers he destroyed, would prove to be his nemesis.

不择手段: 兰斯 · 阿姆斯特朗的故事的影评列表

坏点先生 • 吃了代号“EPO”的瓜


四个二一个炸 • 一点想法

刚刚看了环法七冠王兰斯·阿姆斯特朗的纪录片,一点感想。 兰斯青年成名,初尝成功的甜头,为了得到更多开