杀手住在21号L'assassin habite... au 21(1942)

又名:The Murderer Lives at Number 21


主演:皮埃尔·弗雷奈 苏希·德莱尔 奥黛特·塔拉扎克 吉恩·蒂西耶 皮埃尔·拉尔凯 诺埃尔·罗克韦尔 勒内·热南 让·德佩奥 马克·纳托 于盖特·维维耶 马克西米利安娜 西尔薇特·索热 路易·弗洛朗西 安德烈·加布里埃洛 雷蒙·比西埃尔 

导演:亨利-乔治·克鲁佐 / 编剧:亨利-乔治·克鲁佐 Henri-Georges Clouzot


Plot Summary:Dapper Inspector Vorobechik ('Wens' for short) is assigned the case of a serial killer who leaves a calling card on his victims; Monsieur Durand. Wens' mistress, struggling actress Mila Malou, determines to get publicity for herself by helping him. Learning that Durand is one of the eccentric tenants of a boarding house at No. 21 Avenue Junot, Wens takes a room in the guise of a Protestant minister; only to be followed by Mila who hardly seems like a minister's wife! Suspects are arrested, but while each is in jail, there's another murder...


barryk • 在羊群之中,寻找大灰狼……

这是亨利克鲁佐的早期作品之一。一部以喜剧外壳包裹着的(犯罪)推理电影。   镜头一: 不知