海蒂・弗蕾丝:好莱坞女人Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam (TV)(1995)




导演:Nick Broomfield / 


Plot Summary:A documentary crew from the BBC arrives in L.A. intent on interviewing Heidi Fleiss, a year after her arrest for running a brothel but before her trial. Several months elapse before the interview, so the crew searches for anyone who'll talk about the young woman. Two people have a lot to say to the camera: a retired madam named Alex for whom Fleiss once worked and Fleiss's one-time boyfriend, Ivan Nagy, who introduced her to Alex. Alex and Nagy don't like each other, so the crew shuttles between them with "she said" and "he said." When they finally interview Fleiss, they spend their time reciting what Alex and Nagy have had to say and asking her reaction.
英国影艺学院获奖作品   圣丹斯电影节一等奖   大赦国际一等奖   意大利电影节获奖作品   1997年,海蒂.弗蕾丝(Heidi Fleiss)被控洗钱、SQ、逃税等多项罪名成立,被判三年有期徒刑。1999年她在服刑21个月后因为行为良好而获得假释   在度过近4年的低调生活后,近日这位老鸨再次出山,以自传小说《拉皮条》高调复出好莱坞,借着圣诞新年的销售旺季,大肆宣传,期望捞回正行,再创事业高峰。   接受媒体专访时,费蕾丝表示,自己并没有在这本书中披露一些骇人听闻的明星小道消息,她只希望能够用文字的形式,将自己的“前半生”完整记载,让人们从书中对她有一个直观的了解,而不是仅考那些媒体间传来传去的小道对她产生任何偏见。


FGS • Notes on Heidi Fleiss

As 2/3 of the film was finished in the absence of