俏妈新上路 第一季The New Adventures of Old Christine(2006)

又名:老克里斯汀的离婚生活 / 俏妈新冒险 / 俏妈新上路



俏妈新上路 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Christine is divorced from Richard but continues to see him as a best friend, even when he becomes involved with a woman, also named "Christine." Living in an apartment with her son Ritchie, her brother Matthew rents a separate room in an outbuilding and the two of them feed off the insecurities of the other implanted by their mother during their upbringing. "Old" Christine runs a gym with her best friend Barb, whose name describes her wit. Christine's insecurities are not helped by the other parents at a posh school she and Richard send their son to, one that is generally thought to be beyond the means of regular working people.

俏妈新上路 第一季的影评列表

安生 • 绝望的主妇+老友记里的monica+。。。。。。。。。。。

看的时候笑的要死 看完却也觉得平淡 特别喜欢richard 太可爱了,虽然是大叔了,还有点秃头 可

班比美妆 • 那就只能说再见,老Christine


小之琴调 • 这么好看 怎么没人关注
