Deep down every human being has some hidden inner desires that one is either not conscious of or too shameful to speak about. Civilization is about forming morals and social norms on what’s deemed right and lawful by the general public, and thus creating an outer boundary that limits people’s behavior, well mostly. Yes the human minds are easily manipulated by propaganda because people are subject to the manipulation of their inner drives, and yes people can never be content cause they can never freely express all of themselves, but that’s how a civilized society works. In peacetime, when consumerism is a primary example of modern day propaganda, one can either unknowingly surrender to it, or being aware of its power, choose whatever way to live that makes one happy. If buying things one doesn’t actually need brings simple happiness, nothing seems wrong doing that. But if you are mindful of the downside of consumerism, which is waste of resources and environmental contamination, if only people knows how much water is needed and how many chemicals are released into the nature when a single clothes is produced, then think again next time before you decide to buy something you don’t need. It’s not about controlling your own minds or living consciously. It’s about saving the planet, little by little.

探求自我的世纪The Century of the Self(2002)


主演:Martin S. Bergmann / Tony Blair / Bill Clinton / Adam Curtis / Robert Reich / Wilhelm Reich / 

导演:亚当·柯蒂斯 / 编剧:亚当·柯蒂斯 Adam Curtis