Episode 1 .Happy Machines


A new theory about human nature was put forth by Sigmund Freud.He had discovered he said, primitive, sexual and aggressive forces hidden deep inside the minds of all human beings.Forces which if not controlled,led individuals and societies to chaos and destruction.This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy.But the heart of the story is not just Sigmund Freud but other members of the Freud family.


This episode is about Freud's American nephew, Edward Bernays.Bernays is almost completely unknown today but his influence on the 20th century was nearly as great as his uncles.Because Bernays was the first person to take Freud's idea about human beings and use them to manipulate the masses.He showed American corporations for the first time how to they could make people want things they didn't need by linking mass produced goods to their unconscious desires.Out of this would come a new political ideal of how to control the masses.By satisfying people's inner selfish desires one made them happy and thus docile.It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate our world today.


Freud's ideas about how the human mind works have now become an accepted part of society.As have psychoanalysts.Every year the psychotherapists' ball is held in a grand palace in Vienna.

- 这就是精神治疗的舞会

This is the psychotherapy ball.

- 心理治疗师、康复中的病人和从前的患者都来了

Psychotherapists come, some advanced patients come, former patients come,

阿尔弗雷德·弗里茨 世界精神治疗理事会主席

Dr. Alfred Fritz

- 还有一些来自维也纳上层社会的朋友

and many other people - friends, but also people from the Viennese society

- 那些喜欢参加愉快、优雅、舒适的舞会的人

who like to come to a nice, elegant, comfortable ball.


But it was not always so.A hundred years ago Freud's ideas were hated by Viennese society.At that time Vienna was the center of a vast empire ruling central Europe.And to the powerful nobility of the Habsburg accord,Freud's ideas were not only embarrassing,but the very idea of examining and analyzing ones inner feelings was a threat to their absolute control.

- 你看着那时的掌权者

You see at that time these people had the power

- 极端情绪是不许被表达的,我意思是你就是不能

and of course you just weren't allowed to show your bloody feelings, I mean you just couldn't.

- 如果你不高兴了,你想象一下

You know if you were unhappy, can you imagine,


Countess Erzie Karolyi

- 比如你在这个国家的某地,某个城堡里 沮丧无比,你是个女人

for instance you sit somewhere in the country, in a castle, you are deeply unhappy, you are a woman;

- 你不能去侍女的肩膀上哭

you couldn't go to your maid and cry on her shoulders,

- 不能跑到村子里,去发泄你的感受

you couldn't go into the village and complain about your feelings,

- 那就像是你被卖给了某人,你就是不能这样做

it was like selling yourself to someone, you just couldn't. You know?

- 知道吧

You know?

- 因为他们不得不尊重你

Because they had to respect you.

- 当然了,弗洛伊德,他质疑这种想法

Now of course, Freud, he put that thought very much into question

- 你开始检视自己,不得不开始质疑其他事

you see to examine yourself you would have to put other things into question

- 你的社交圈、你周围的一切...

your society, everything that surrounds you and that was not a good thing at that time.

- 这在当时可不是件好事

and that was not a good thing at that time.

- 为什么不是?

Why not?

- 因为你自己创造的帝国在某种程度上早已分崩离析了

Because your self-created empire to a certain extent would have fallen to bits much earlier already.


But what frightened the rulers of the empire even more was Freud's idea that hidden inside all human beings were dangerous instinctual drives.Freud had devised a method he called psychoanalysis.By analyzing dreams and free association he had unearthed he said powerful sexual and aggressive forces which were the remnants of our animal past.Feelings we repressed because they were too dangerous.

- 弗洛伊德设计了一个方法来探索心灵的隐藏部分

Freud devised a method for exploring the hidden part of the mind

厄内斯特·琼斯 弗洛伊德的同事

Dr. Earnest Jones

- 如今我们称之为潜意识

which we nowadays call the unconscious

- 对我们的意识部分来说,它是完全未知的

this the part is totally unknown to our consciousness.

- 在我们的心灵中存在着一道屏障,它抑制了That there exists a barrier in all our minds which prevents

- 源自潜意识的那些隐藏的、不受欢迎的冲动显现

these hidden and unwelcome impulses from the unconscious from emerging.


In 1914 the Austria-Hungarian Empire led Europe into war.As the horror mounted Freud saw it as terrible evidence of the truth of his findings.The saddest thing he wrote, is that, this is exactly the way we should have expected people to behave, from our knowledge of psychoanalysis.Governments had unleashed the primitive forces in humans beings and no one seemed to know how to stop them.


At that time, Freud's young nephew, Edward Bernays was working as a press agent in America.His main client was the world famous opera singer Caruso who was touring the United States.Bernays' parents had emigrated to America 20 years before,but he kept in touch with his Uncle who joined him for Holidays in the Alps.But Bernays was now about to return to Europe for a very different reason.On the night that Caruso opened in Toledo Ohio America announced that it was entering the war against Germany and Austria.As a part of the war effort, the US government set up a committee on public information and Bernays was employed to promote America's war aims in the press.The president Woodrow Wilson, had announced that the United States would fight not to restore the old empires but to bring democracy to all of Europe.Bernays proved extremely skillful at promoting this idea both at home and abroad and at the end of the war was asked to accompany the President to the Paris Peace Conference.


Edward Bernays

- 当时出乎我的意料

Then to my surprise

- 他们要求我和伍德罗•威尔逊一起参加巴黎和会

they asked me to go with Woodrow Wilson to the peace conference.

- 在26岁这个年纪,整个和谈期间我都在巴黎

And at the age of 26 I was in Paris for the entire time of the peace conference

- 会议在巴黎郊区举行

that was held in the suburb of Paris

- 我们致力于为民主创造一个安全的世界

and we worked to make the world safe for democracy.

- 这是巨大的宣传语

That was the big slogan.


Wilson's reception in Paris astounded Bernays and the other American propagandists.Their propaganda has portrayed Wilson as a liberator of the people.The man who would create a new world in which the individual would be free.They had made him a hero of the masses.And as he watched the crowd surge around Wilson,Bernays began to wonder whether it would be possible to do the same type of mass persuasion, but in peace time.

- 当我回到美国,我决定了

When I came back to the United States, I decided

- 如果你能在战争时期使用宣传

that if you could use propaganda for war

- 那么和平年代当然也可以用

you could certainly use it for peace.

- 宣传已经变成一个糟糕的词,因为它被德国人用了

And propaganda got to be a bad word because of the Germans using it.

- 我要做的是试图找到其他用语

So what I did was try to find some other words

- 所以我们发明了“公共关系部”

so we found the word "Council on Public Relations".

伯奈斯回到纽约,在百老汇的一间小办公室里开业,成了一位公共关系员,这是此术语首次被使用。19世纪末以来,美国已经成为了大型工业社会,几百万人聚居在城市里,伯奈斯决定寻找一种方法来管理和改变这些新社群的思考和感受。为此,他转向了舅舅西格蒙德的作品。在巴黎时,伯奈斯送了舅舅一份礼物:一些哈瓦那雪茄。弗洛伊德给了他一本自己的著作 《精神分析简介》的副本作为回礼。伯奈斯阅读了它,隐藏在人类内部的非理性驱力图景让他着迷,他自问,是否可以靠潜意识的操控来赚钱呢?

Bernays returned to New York and set up as a Public Relations Councilman in small office off Broadway.It was the first time the term had even been used.Since the end of the 19th century, America had become a mass industrial society with millions clustered together in the cities.Bernays was determined to find a way to manage and alter the way these new crowds thought and felt.To do this he turned to the writings of his Uncle Sigmund.While in Paris Bernays had sent his Uncle a gift of some Havana cigars.In return Freud had sent him a copy of his "General Introduction to Psychoanalysis".Bernays read it,and the picture of hidden irrational forces inside human beings, fascinated him.He wondered whether he might make money by manipulation of the unconscious.

帕特·杰克逊 公共关系顾问、伯奈斯的同事

Pat · Jackson

- 埃迪从弗洛依德那获取的真正思想就是

What Eddie got from Freud, was indeed this idea

- 人类的决策是一个很复杂的过程

that there is a lot more going on in human decision making.

- 不仅是个人之间,更重要的是在群体之间

Not only among individuals but even more importantly among groups

- 这种思想信息驱使着行为

that this idea that information drives behavior.

- 所以埃迪开始形成这个想法

So Eddie began to formulate this idea

- 你必须去观察那些,会影响人们非理性情绪的东西

that you had to look at things that will play to people's irrational emotions.

- 这让埃迪从他的同僚当中迅速脱颖而出

You see, that moved Eddie immediately into a different category from other people in his field

- 那时,大多数政府官员和经理们认为

and most government officials and managers of the day

- 只要你用事实资料就能说服人们

who thought if you just hit people with all this factual information

- 人们会看看这些资料,然后说我们干吧

they would look at that say go of course

- 而埃迪知道,那不是世界运作的方式

and Eddie knew that was not the way the world worked.


Bernays set out to experiment with the minds of the popular classes.His most dramatic experiment was to persuade women to smoke.At that time there was a taboo against women smoking and one of his early clients George Hill, the President of the American Tobacco corporation asked Bernays to find a way of breaking it.

- 他说我们失去了半个市场

He says we're losing half of our market.

- 就因为男人视女性在公共场合吸烟为禁忌

Because men have invoked a taboo against women smoking in public.

- 你能做点什么?我说让我考虑一下

Can you do anything about that? I said let me think about it.

- 然后我说,请允许我去找一位精神分析学家

And then I said: If I may have permission to see a psychoanalyst

- 看看香烟对女性意味着什么

to find out what cigarettes mean to women.

- 他说这要花费多少? 于是我请来布里尔医生

He said: what'll cost? So I called up Dr. Brille,

- A.A.布里尔是当时纽约首屈一指的精神分析师

A.A. Brille, who was the leading psychoanalyst in New York at the time.

- 你怎么不请你的舅舅?为什么?

How come you didn't call your uncle? Why didn'y you call your uncle?

- 因为他在维也纳

Cause he was in Vienna..



A.A. Brille was one of the first psychoanalysts in America.And for a large fee, he told Bernays that cigarettes were a symbol of the penis and of male sexual power.He told Bernays that if he could find a way to connect cigarettes with the idea of challenging male power then women would smoke, because then they would have their own penises.

Every year New York held an Easter day parade to which thousands came.And Bernays decided to stage an event there.He persuaded a group of rich debutants to hide cigarettes under their clothes.Then, they should join the parade and at a given signal from him they were to light up the cigarettes dramatically.Bernays then informed the press that he had heard that a group of suffragettes were preparing to protest by lighting up what they called torches of freedom.

- 他知道这将引起强烈抗议

He knew this would be an outcry,

- 也知道所有摄影师会在那儿抓拍这一瞬间

and he knew that all of the photographers would be there to capture this moment

- 所以他准备了一个短语:自由火炬

so he was ready with a phrase which was "torches of freedom".

- 这就成了一个标志

So here you have a symbol,

- 女人,年轻女人,公共场所抽烟的富家女

women, young women, debutantes,

- 与这个短语联系了起来

smoking a cigarette in public with a phrase

- 这就意味着,假如你相信男女是平等的

that means anybody who believes in this kind of equality

- 那就必须在随后而来的争论中支持她们

pretty much has to support them in the ensuing debate about this,

- 因为“自由火炬”

because... "torches of freedom".

- 你说它出现在美国硬币上? 那是自由,而她正举着火炬,看到吗?

I mean, What's on all our American coins? it's liberty, she's holding up the torch, you see?

- 于是一切就绪,这里有情感、有记忆、还有理性短语

and so all of this is there together, there's emotion, there's memory and there's a rational phrase,

- 就算掺杂了大量情感,有个短语还是起着理性作用的

even knowing it's using a lot of emotionall, it's a phrase that works in a rational sense...

- 而这些东西聚在一起时...

And all of this is together...

- 这事明天就不只是出现在纽约的报纸上了

And So the next day this was not just in all the New York papers

- 而是要风靡整个美国和全世界

it was across the United States and around the world.

- 由于这种观点的散播,香烟的妇女销售额开始上升

And from that point forward the sale of cigarettes to woman began to rise.

- 他只通过一个简单的象征性行为便让这点为社会所接受

He had made them socially acceptable with a single symbolic act.


What Bernays had created was the idea that if a women smoked it made her more powerful and independent.An idea that still persists today.It made him realize that it was possible to persuade people to behave irrationally if you link products to their emotional desires and feelings.The idea that smoking actually made women freer, was completely irrational.But it made them feel more independent.It meant that irrelevant objects could become powerful emotional symbols of how you wanted to be seen by others.

- 埃迪•伯奈斯看到了销售产品的方法

Bernays saw the way to sell product

彼得·施特劳斯 伯奈斯的雇员

Peter Strauss 1948-1952

- 它并非是向你的理智销售

was not to sell it to your intellect,

- 不是说你应该购买一部汽车

that you ought to buy an automobile,

- 而是告诉你,如果有一辆汽车你会感觉更好

but that you will feel better about it if you have this automobile.

- 我认为这是他原创的思想,即他们不仅是买了东西

I think he originated that idea, that they weren't just purchasing something

- 而且还在该产品或服务中投入了个人情感

that they were engaging themselves emotionally or personally in that product or service.

- 不是你认为你需要一件新衣服

It's not that you think you need a new piece of clothing

- 而是你得到一件衣服会感觉更好

but you will feel better with the piece of clothing.

- 从某种意义上说,这是他的贡献

That was his contribution in a very real sense.

- 如今它随处可见,但我想那是伯奈斯的原创

We see it all over the place today, but I think he originated the idea,

- 将产品或服务与情感相联系

the emotional connect to a product or service.



What Bernays was doing fascinated America's corporations.They had come out of the war rich and powerful, but they had a growing worry.The system of mass production had flourished during the war and now millions of goods were pouring off production lines.Whatthey were frightened of was the danger of overproduction,that there would come a point when people had enough goods and would simply stop buying.Up until that point, the majority of products were still sold to the masses on the basis of need.While the rich had long been used to luxury goods,for the millions of working class Americans most products were still advertised as necessities.Goods like shoes, stockings, even cars were promoted in functiosnal terms, for their durability.The aim of the advertisements were simply to shown people the products practical virtues, nothing more.What the corporations realized they had to do was transform the way the majority of Americans thought about products.

One leading Wall Street banker, Paul Mazer of Leahman Brothers was clear about what was necessary.We must shift America, he wrote, from a needs, to a desires culture.People must be trained to desire, to want new things even before the old had been entirely consumed.We must shape a new mentality in America.Man's desires must overshadow his needs.

- 在那之前

Prior to that time

彼得·所罗门 莱曼兄弟投资银行家

Peter Solomon

- 不存在美国消费者,只有美国工人和美国业主

there was no American consumer, there was the American worker, and there was the American owner.

- 他们生产、储蓄、吃必需品,按基本需要购物

And they manufactured, and they saved and they ate what they had to and the people shopped for what they needed.

- 少数富人可能会购买他们不必需的东西

And while the very rich may have bought things they didn't need, most people did not.

- 但大多数人都不会这样

most people did not.

- 梅泽尔想打破这一局面

And Mazer envisioned a break with that,

- 让你想要实际上不必需的东西你想要,而非必要

where you would have things that you didn't actually need, but you wanted, as opposed to needed.


And the man who would be at the center of changing that mentality for the corporations,

was Edward Bernays.

斯图尔特·埃文 公共关系史学家

Stuart Ewen

- 伯奈斯确实是美国之内少有的

Bernays really is the guy within the United States,more then anybody else

- 从商家的角度把心理学理论用到实处

who sort of brings out to the table psychological theory as something that is an essential part

- 作为必要方法高效吸引大众的人

of how, from the corporate side, of how we are going to appeal to the masses effectively

- 而整个商品机构和销售机构

and the whole sort of merchandising establishment and the sales establishment

- 都为西格蒙德 • 弗洛伊德准备好了

is ready for Sigmund Freud.

- 我是说他们已准备好去理解人类的心理动机是什么

I mean they are ready for understanding what motivates the human mind.

- 所以这才是伯奈斯的技巧被用于向大众销售产品的真正开始

And so there's this real openness to Bernays techniques being used to sell products to the masses.





Beginning in the early 20's the New York banks funded the creation of chains of department stores across America.They were to be the outlets for the mass produced goods.And Bernays' job was to produce the new type of customer.Bernays began to create many of the techniques of mass consumer persuasion that we now live with.

He was employed by William Randolph Hurst to promote his new women's magazines,and Bernays glamorized them by placing articles and advertisements that linked products made by others of his clientsto famous film stars like Clara Bow, who was also his client.

Bernays also began the practice of product placement in movies,and he dressed the stars at the films premieres with clothes and jewelry from other firms he represented.

He was, he claimed, the first person to tell car companies.They could sell cars as symbols of male sexuality.He employed psychologists to issue reports that said products were good for you and then pretended they were independent studies.He organized fashion shows in department stores

and paid celebrities to repeat the new and essential message,you bought things not just for need but to express your inner sense of your self to others.

斯蒂尔曼夫人 20年代著名飞行家

Mrs. Stillman


There's a psychology of dress,have you ever thought about it?


How it can express your character?


You all have interesting characters but some of them are all hidden.


I wonder why you all want to dress always the same, with the same hats and the same coats.


I'm sure all of you are interesting and have wonderful things about you,


but looking at you in the street


you all look so much the same.


And that's why I'm talking to you about the psychology of dress.


Try and express yourselves better in your dress.


Bring out certain things that you think are hidden.


I wonder if you've thought about this angle of your personality.


I'd like to ask you some questions...Why do you like short skirts?


Oh, because there's more to see...


More to see, eh? What good does that do you?

- 那让你变得更有吸引力 - 真的吗?

- It makes you more attractive. - oh, it does?



In 1927 an American journalist wrote:A change has come over our democracy,it is called consumptionism.The American citizens first importance to his country is now no longer that of citizen,but that of consumer.

The growing wave of consumerism helped in turn to create a stock market boom.And yet again Edward Bernays became involved.Promoting the novel idea that ordinary people should buy shares,borrowing money from banks, that he also represented.And yet again, millions followed his advice.

- 他对人群有着独道的见解

He was uniquely knowledgeable about

彼得 · 施特劳斯 Bernays的雇员

Peter Strauss - 1948-1952

- 即大众对于产品和想法如何反应

how people in large numbers are going to react to products and ideas,

- 但在实际上,如果他出门

but in practical terms if he were to go out

- 我无法想象他能让三个人好好听他说话

I can't imagine he could get three people to stand and listen.

- 他不太善于表达,看上去还有点滑稽

He wasn't particularly articulate, he was kind of funny looking,

- 他没有一对一进行沟通的能力,完全没有

and didn't have any sense of reaching out for people one on one. None at all.

- 他不谈论、不考虑团体中的个人

He didn't talk about, didn't think about people in groups of one,

- 他考虑的是团体中的千万人

he thought about people in groups of thousands.


Bernays soon became famous as the man who understood the mind of the crowd,and in 1924 the President contacted him.President Coolidge was a quiet taciturn man and had become a national joke.The press portrayed him as a dull humorless figure.Bernays' solution was to do exactly the same as he had done with products.He persuaded 34 famous film stars to visit the White House,and for the first time politics became involved with public relations.

- 我让这34个人站成一排,我问“你叫什么名字?”

And I lined up these 34 people and I'd say what's your name,

- 他说“艾尔•乔尔森”我说“总统先生,艾尔•乔尔森”

and he'd say Al Jolson, and I'd say Mr. President, Al Jolson.

- 第二天美国所有的报纸都有了头版故事

The next day every newspaper in the United States had a front page story:


"President Coolidge Entertains Actors at White House".

- 时代周刊的头条则说“总统几乎笑了”

And the Times had a headline which said "President Nearly Laughed"

- 皆大欢喜

and everybody was happy.


But while Bernays became rich and powerful in nAmerica, in Vienna his uncle was facing disaster.

Like much of Europe Vienna was suffering an economic crisis and massive inflation which wiped out all of Freud's' savings.Facing bankruptcy he wrote to his nephew for help.Bernays responded by arranging for Freud's works to be published for the first time in America,and began to send his uncle precious dollars which Freud kept secretly in a foreign bank account.

- 他是弗洛伊德的代理人

He was Freud's "agent"

- 假如你愿意,让他的书出版

if you will, to get his books published.

- 那么当然了,一旦书开始印刷

Well of course, once the books were being published,

- 埃迪就控制不了自己去促销这些书

Eddie couldn't help himself but to promote these books;

- 让每个人都去读,让它充满争议

see that everybody read them, make them controversial;

- 而且强调“你知道弗洛伊德是如何谈性的吗?"

emphasize the fact that "do you know what Freud says about sex?"

- 还有他认为香烟象征着什么,诸如此类

and what he thinks cigarettes are a symbol of and so on and so forth...

- 你以为这些事是怎么传开的?

How do you suppose all those stories got out?

- 学者们当然不会在国内传播这些,但埃迪 • 伯奈斯会...

Certainly the academics weren't spreading these around the country, Eddie Bernays was...

- 而当弗洛伊德已被接受

Then when Freud became accepted,

- 接下来就能顺理成章地去见“西格舅舅”的客户了

well then of course to go to a client and go well‘Uncle Siggy'

- 看,然后就有收获了

see then that had some cache.

- 注意,埃迪先在美国首创了“西格舅舅”并让大家接受

But notice there, first Eddie created Uncle Siggy in the US, made him acceptable secondly,

- 然后再从中获益

and thirdly then, capitalized on Uncle Siggy.

- 典型的伯奈斯式做法

Typical Bernays performance.




Bernays also suggested Freud promote himself in the United States.He proposed his uncle write an article for Cosmopolitan, the magazine that Bernays represented,entitled 'A Woman's Mental Place in the Home'.Freud was furious. Such an idea he said was unthinkable,it was vulgar and anyway, he hated America.

Freud was becoming increasingly pessimistic about human beings.In the mid 20s he retreated in the summers to the Alps,sometimes staying in an old hotel, the Pension Moritz in Berchtesgaden.

It is now a ruin.Freud began to write about group behavior;about how easily the unconscious aggressive forces of human beingscould be triggered when they were in crowds.

Freud believed he had underestimated the aggressive instincts within human beings;they were far more dangerous than he had originally thought.

- 第一次世界大战后,弗洛伊德基本上是个悲观主义者

After World War-I, Freud was basically a pessimist.

恩内斯特·费登 维也纳精神分析师

Dr. Ernst Federn

- 他觉得人类是一种不可思议的生物

He felt that man is an impossible creature

- 一个非常残忍恶劣的物种

and a very sadistic and bad species

- 他不相信人类能够进步

and did not believe that man can be improved.

- 人是一种残暴的动物

Man is a ferocious animal,

- 是现存的最残忍的物种

the most ferocious animal that exists.

- 他们享受折磨和杀戮

They enjoy torturing and killing

- 他不喜欢人类

and he didn't like man.



The publication of Freud's works in America

had an extraordinary effect on journalists and intellectuals in the 1920s.

What fascinated and frightened them was the picture Freud painted of submerged dangerous forces

lurking just under the surface of modern society.

Forces that could erupt easily to produce the frenzied mob which had the power to destroy even governments.

It was this they believed had happened in Russia.

To many this meant one of the guiding principles of mass democracy was wrong;

the belief that human beings could be trusted to make decisions on a rational basis.

The leading political writer, Walter Lippmann argued that

if human beings were in reality driven by unconscious irrational forces

then it was necessary to re-think democracy.

What was needed was a new elite that could manage what he called the bewildered herd.

This would be done through psychological techniques that would control the unconscious feelings of the masses.

- 你该听说过沃尔特 • 李普曼

And so here you have Walter Lippmann,

- 他可能是美国最有影响力的政治思想家

probably the most influential political thinker in the United States,

- 他的基本观点是,大众的基本心理机制是无由的

who is essentially saying the basic mechanism of the mass mind is unreason,

- 非理性的,兽性的

is irrationality, is animality.

- 他相信街上的暴徒是受他们的脊髓神经驱使

He believes that the mob in the street, which is how he sees ordinary people,

- 而不是受理智驱使,这就是他眼中的普通人

are people who are driven not by their minds but by their spinal chords.

- 兽性本能、潜意识和本能的驱力这些概念

The notion of animal drives, unconscious and instinctual drives,

- 潜伏在文明世界的表象之下

lurking beneath the surface of civilization;

- 于是他们开始期待于心理学科

and so they started looking towards psychological science

- 将其作为理解大众心理运作的途径

as a way of understanding the mechanisms by which the popular mind works

- 目的尤其是,如何能理解它们

specifically with the goal of figuring out

- 并将机制应用于社会控制的策略

how to understand and how to apply those mechanisms to strategies for social control.


Edward Bernays was fascinated by Lippmann's arguments and also saw a way to promote himself by using them.In the 1920s he began to write a series of books which argued that he had developed the very techniques that Lippmann was calling for.By stimulating people's inner desires and then sating them with consumer products he was creating a new way to manage the irrational force of the masses.He called it "The engineering of consent".

- 民主对于我父亲是一个神奇的概念

Democracy to my father was a wonderful concept,

安·伯奈斯 伯奈斯之女

Ann Bernays

- 但我不认为他觉得外面那些公众都有可靠的判断力

but I don't think he felt that all those publics out there had reliable judgment,

- 他们可能轻易投票给错误的人或错的事物

and that they very easily might vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing;

- 因此他们必须接受来自上层的指导

so that they had to be guided from above.

- 从某种意义上,这是开明的专制主义

It's enlightened despotism in a sense.

- 你调动他们的欲望和未知的渴望,诸如此类

You appeal to their desires and unrecognized longings, that sort of thing.

- 你可以挖掘他们内心深处的欲望或恐惧

That you can tap into their deepest desires or their deepest fears and use that to your own purposes.

- 并利用这些达到你自己的目的

and use that to your own purposes.



And then in 1928 a President came to power, who agreed with Bernays.President Hoover was the first politician to articulate the idea that consumerism would become the central motor of American life.After his election he told a group of advertisers and public relations men:"You Have taken over the job of creating desire" and have transformed people into constantly moving happiness machines.Machines which have become the key to economic progress."

What was beginning to emerge in the 1920s was a new idea of how to run mass democracy.At it's heart was the consuming self which not only made the economy work but was also happy and docile and so created a stable society.

- 伯奈斯和李普曼管理大众的观念

Both Bernays and Lippmann's concept of managing the masses

- 是将民主的思想拿来,并将它变成缓和剂

takes the idea of democracy and turns it into a palliative,

斯图尔特 · 伊万 公共关系史学家

Stuart · Ewen

- 变成某种让大众感觉良好的药物

It turns it into giving people some kind of feel good medication

- 以应对当前的疼痛和渴望

that will respond to an immediate pain or immediate yearning

- 但却丝毫不会改变客观环境

but will not alter the objective circumstances one iota.

- 民主的核心思想是改变权力的关系

The idea of democracy at it's heart was about changing the relations of power

- 这一思想已统治世界很久

that had governed the world for so long;

- 而伯奈斯的民主理念是维持权力关系

and Bernays' concept of democracy was one of maintaining the relations of power,

- 即使这意味着需要刺激公众的心理生活

even if it meant that one needed to stimulate the psychological lives of the public.

- 而在他的观点里,其实这是必须的

And in fact in his mind that is what was necessary.

- 如果你能不断刺激非理性的自我

That if you can keep stimulating the irrational self

- 那么领导阶级就可以继续做他们想做的事

then leadership can go on doing what it wants to do.


Bernays now became one of the central figures in a business elite that dominated American society and politics in the 1920s.He also became extremely rich and lived in a suite of rooms in one of New York's most expensive hotels where he gave frequent parties.

- 我的天,他在荷兰雪利酒店的转角套房里安了家

Oh my goodness, he had a home in the corner suite of the Sherry Netherland hotel

- 那是个极好的套房,所有的窗户

and here's this wonderful suite with all these windows

- 都可以眺望中央公园,购物中心和广场

looking out on central park and across at the plaza, and on the square,

- 他会用这个地方举办晚会

and he would use this place to hold a soiree.

- 市长会来,媒体领袖们会来

The mayor would come, all the media leaders would come,

- 政治领袖、商业领袖,艺术圈的人都会来

the political leaders, the business leaders, the people in the arts;

- 这是一个名人堂

that mean it was who's who.

- 人们想要认识埃迪•伯奈斯,因为他已经成了名人

People wanted to know Eddie Bernays because he himself became a sort of a famous man,

- 鲜少能让愿望成真的魔法师

a sort of magician that could make things happen.

- 他认识每个人,他认识市长,认识参议员

He knows everybody he knows the mayor, and he knows the senator,

- 他给政客们打电话,好像他真的很兴奋似的

and he calls politicians on the telephone as if he did get literally a high

- 或者随时都能为所欲为

or bang out of doing what he did,

- 这很好,但对周围的人来说有点难

and that's fine, but it can be a little hard on the people around you.

- 特别是你让其他人觉得愚蠢的时候

Especially when you make other people feel stupid.

- 为他工作的人是愚蠢的,孩子们也很愚蠢

The people who worked for him were stupid, the children were stupid,

- 如果人们做事的方式是他原本不会做的,他们就是愚蠢的

and if people did things in a way that he wouldn't have done them, they were stupid.

- 他一再重复地说“别那么蠢”

It was a word that he used over and over: "don't be stupid".

- 那么大众呢?

And the masses?

- 他们是愚蠢的

They were stupid.






But Bernays' power was about to be destroyed dramatically and by a type of human rationality that he could do nothing to control.At the end of October 1929 Bernays organized a huge national event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the invention of the light bulb.President Hoover, the leaders of major corporations and bankers like John D Rockefeller were all summoned by Bernays to celebrate the power of American business.

But even as they gathered news came through that shares on the New York stock exchange were beginning to fall catastrophically.Throughout the 1920s speculators had borrowed billions of dollars.The banks had promoted the idea that this was a new era where market crashes were a thing of the past.But they were wrong. What was about to happend was the biggest stock market crash in history.Investors had panicked and begun to sell in a blind relentless fury that no reassurance by bankers or politicians could halt.

And on the 29th of October 1929, the market collapsed.The effect of the crash on the American economy was disastrous.Faced with recession and unemployment,millions of American workers stopped buying goods they didn't need.The consumer boom that Bernays had done so much to engineer, disappeared.And he and the profession of public relations fell from favor.Bernays' brief moment of power seemed to be over.

The effect of the Wall Street crash on Europe was also catastrophic.It intensified the growing economic and political crisis in the new democracies.In both Germany and Austria, there were violent street battles between the armed wings of different political parties.Against this backdrop Freud who was suffering from cancer of the jaw retreated yet again to the alps.He wrote a book called "Civilization and it's Discontents".

It was a powerful attack on the idea that civilization was an expression of human progress.Instead Freud argued, civilization had been constructed to control the dangerous animal forces inside human beings.What was implicit in Freud's argument was that the ideal of individual freedom which was at the heart of democracy was impossible.Human beings could never be allowed to truly express themselves because it was too dangerous.They must always be controlled and thus always be discontent.

- 人们不想被文明化

Man doesn't want to be civilized

恩斯特·费登 维也纳精神分析师

Dr. Ernst Federn

- 而文明带来的不满却又是生存所必需的

and civilization brings discontent but is necessarily to survival

- 所以他必须不满,因为这是约束自我的唯一方法

so he must be discontent because this would be the only way to keep you within your limits.

- 弗洛伊德对人人平等怎么看?

What did Freud think about the idea of the equality of man?

- 他不信这套东西

He didn't believe in it.


We had 32 parties and Hitler said: "before those parties don't vanish there is no Germany".


"before those parties don't vanish there is no Germany",

- 这是真的,你们不能同时有32个党派

That's true. you can't have 32 parties

- 所以他们说这个人会结束这场闹剧

so they said this one person will put an end to this comedy.

弗洛伊德并不是唯一的悲观主义者,20世纪20年代,在对民主的日渐失望中,阿道夫•希特勒这样的政客出现了。纳粹确信民主是危险的,因为它释放了自私的个人主义,但同时又没法控制它,希特勒的党派 “国家社会主义党”在竞选中宣传,承诺他们会抛弃民主,因为它导致了混乱和失业,民主党派们企图在人间许诺一个天堂(38个党,超过6百万失业者)。1933年3月,国家社会主义党在德国被选举为执政党,他们开始创造一个以不同方式控制人类的社会。




Freud was not alone in his pessimism.Politicians like Adolf Hitler emerged from a growing despair in the 1920s about democracy.The Nazis were convinced that democracy was dangerous because it unleashed a selfish individualism but didn't have the means to control it.Hitler's party - "The National Socialists" stood in elections promising in their propaganda.they would abandon democracy because of the chaos and unemployment it led to."The democratic parties are promising a heaven on earth!""38 parties - over 6 million unemployed"In March 1933, the National Socialists were elected to power in Germany and they set out to create a society that would control human beings in a different way.

One of their first acts was to take control of business.The planning of production would in the future be done by the state.The free market was too unstable as the crash in America had proven.

Workers leisure time was also planned by the state through a new organization called "strength through joy".One of it's mottos was: "Service, not self!".

But the Nazi's did not see this as return to an old form autocratic control.It was a new alternative to democracy,in which the feelings and desires of the masses would still be central,but they would be channeled in such a way as to bind the nation together.The chief exponent of this was Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda.It may be a good thing to hold power based on guns It is far better though if you win the heart of the nation and keep it's affection !

Goebbels organized huge rallies whose function he said was to forge the mind of the nation into a unity of thinking, feeling and desire.One of his inspirations, he told an American journalist

was the writings of Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays.In his work on crowd psychology, Freud had described how the frightening irrationality inside human beings could emerge in such groups.The deep what he called 'libidinal' forces of desire were given up to the leader while the aggressive instincts are unleashed on those outside the group.Freud wrote this as a warning, but the Nazis were deliberately encouraging these forces because they believed they could master and control them.

利奥波德·洛文塔尔 弗洛伊德派精神分析师

Dr. Leoppold Lowenthal

- 弗洛伊德说大众受制于“原欲”的力量

Freud was saying that masses are bound by libidinal forces.

- 他们彼此相爱,通过“jack-on-top”来表达自己的想法和感受

They love each other and delegate their ideas and feelings through the "jack-on-top".

- 那么“原欲”的力量是什么?

What are libidinal forces?

- 就是爱的力量

Well, forces of love.

- 不是仇恨吗?

Not hate?

- 仇恨?那是对其他人的表达,外部的人

No,.. hate?... Hate is delegated on the others, outside.

- 暴徒…

The mob...

- 我能从很远处,从树丛中间看出去

I could see from afar, looking up between the trees

- 当成千上万的人们从希特勒身边经过时

how there were hundreds of thousands of people when they passed Hitler

- 他们是如何完全神志不清地开始呼喊

they were speaking completely delirious and they began to shout,

- 那喊声一直在我耳边回响...

this cries will never get out of my ears...


"Heil! Sieg Heil!"...and here I got confirmation how those irrational forces,

- 这些无法控制的力量,在德国 和德国人中间爆发了,显现了

uncontrollable forces in Germany, in the Germans, had erupted, were brought out

- 而且已经失控,就在这个党派队列行进的过程中

were running wild where the party was marching, marching on."


Fuehrer (Leader's) comand we will follow!



这就是后世所称“新政”的起始,罗斯福在华盛顿召集了一批年轻专家和规划者,告诉他们其工作是为了国家的利益 规划和管理巨大的新工业项目。罗斯福确信,股市的崩溃已表明,“自由放任”式资本主义不能再运转现代工业经济了,这工作该归于政府。


Crowds and their behavior And in America too democracy was under threat from the force of the angry mob.The effect of the stock market crash had been disastrous.There was growing violence as an angry population took out their frustration on the corporations who were seen to have caused this disaster.Then in 1932 a new President was elected who was also going to use the power of the state to control the free market.But his aim, was not to destroy democracy, but to strengthen it.

And to do this he was going to develop a new way of dealing with the masses——"I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of stricken world, may require.But, in the event that the national emergency is still criticalI shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me.I shall ask the congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis:broad executive power."

It was the start of what would become known as "The New Deal".Roosevelt assembled a group of young technocrats and planners in Washington.He told them that their job was to plan and run giant new industrial projects for the good of the nation.Roosevelt was convinced the stock market crash had shown that "laissez faire"-capitalism could no longer run modern industrial economies.This has become the job of government.

Big business was horrified but The New Deal had attracted the admiration of the Nazis,especially Joseph Goebbels.


Joseph Goebbels


-"I am very interested in social developments in America.


-I believe that President Roosevelt has chosen the right path.


-We are dealing with the greatest social problems ever known.


-Millions of unemployed must get their jobs back


-and this cannot be left to private initiative.


-It's the government that must tackle the problem."



But although Roosevelt like the Nazis was trying to organize society in a different way,unlike the Nazis he believed that human beings were rational and could be trusted to take an active part in government.Roosevelt believed it was possible to explain his policies to ordinary Americans

and to take into account their opinions.To do this he was helped by the new ideas of an American social scientist called George Gallup."Favorite reading of new deal Washington" - the survey of US public opinion.From offices at Princeton New Jersey a famed statistician,dr. George Gallup tells Washington from week to week, what the nation is thinking.And in New York Fortune Magazines analyst Elmo Roper compiles for publication a continuous record of the nations approval or disapproval of how the country is being run."

Gallup and Roper rejected Bernays' view that human beings were at the mercy of unconscious forces and so needed to be controlled.Their system of opinion polling was based on the idea that people could be trusted to know what they wanted.They argued that one could measure and predict the opinions and behavior of the public if one asked strictly factual questions and avoided manipulating their emotions.


Well, how about this one? Do you think Franklin D. Roosevelt's new deal


has been bad for the nation in general?


No, that question is loaded.. It automaticly sugests an answer..


Well, how 'bout this?


Is your present feeling towards president Roosevelt, one of general aproval, or general disaproval?


That's better!...

小乔治·盖勒普 乔治·盖勒普之子

George Gallup Jr.

- 在科学的民意调查之前,很多人认为

Prior to scientific polling the view of many people

- 公众的意见不可信,因为那是不理性的;

was that you couldn't trust public opinion, that it was irrational;

- 是病态的、混乱无序的等等

that it was ill-informed, that it was chaotic, unruly and so forth;

- 这个观点应该被抛弃

and so that opinion should be dismissed.

- 通过科学的调查,我可以确凿地认为

But with scientific polling I think it established very clearly that,

- 人们是理性的,他们可以做出好的决定

people are rational, that they do make good decisions,

- 而这为民主提供了一个真正被公众所了解的机会

and this offers democracy a chance to be truly informed by the public

- 让每个人都能在国家治理的方式上发出自己的声音

giving everybody a voice in the way the country is run.

- 我知道父亲不一定会说,公众的声音就是上帝之声

I know my father wouldn't necessarily say that the voice of the public is the voice of God,

- 但他真的觉得人民的声音是一种理性的声音

but he did feel very much that the voice of the people is a rational voice

- 并且应该被听取

and should be heard.



What Roosevelt was doing was forging a new connection between the masses and politicians.No longer were they irrational consumers who were managed by sating their desires,instead, they were sensible citizens who could take part in the governing of the country.

In 1936 Roosevelt stood for re-election.He promised further control over big business.To the corporations it was the beginning of a dictatorship.



Roosevelt interferes with private enterprise


and he's running the country into debt for generations to come.


The way to get recovery is to let business alone.


But Roosevelt was triumphantly re-elected.


"It looks , my friens,


"like a real land-slide, this time..


So, please let me thank you again, and tell you that I hope to see you all very soon,


and wish you an affectionate good night!


Faced with this, business now decided to fight back,to regain power in America.At the heart of the battle would be Edward Bernays and the profession he had invented,public relations.

- 在就职演说之后

Following that lecture,

- 商业人士聚在一起,并展开讨论

business people start to get together and start to carry on discussions,

- 主要是私下交谈,他们开始互相讨论是否有必要

primarily in private and they start talking to each other about the need to sort of carry on

- 展开反对新政的意识形态斗争

ideological warfare against the New Deal.

- 重新明确双方之间的关系

And to sort of reassert the sort of connectedness

- 一方是民主的理念,一方是私有企业的理念

between the idea of democracy on the one hand and the idea of privately owned business on the other.

- 所以,一个保护伞组织仍然存在

And so, under the umbrella of an organization that still exists

- 它就是“国家制造商协会”

which is called The National Association of Manufacturers

- 其成员包括美国所有的大公司

and whose membership included all of the major corporations of the United States

- 一场旨在公众和大企业之间

a campaign is launched explicitly designed to create emotional attachments

- 创建情感纽带的竞赛开始了

between the public and big business;

- 这是伯奈斯的技术被大规模的完全应用

it's Bernays' techniques being used on a grand scale. I mean totally.



这些影片还展示了负责的公民如何监督媒体,他们可以创建一个图表,分析报告中隐藏偏见的迹象,但这种认真的指导无法与爱德华 • 伯奈斯强大的想象力相匹敌,他有着帮美国创建乌托邦的愿景如果资本主义自由化能够得以释放。


"General Motors Parade of Progress"The campaign set out to show dramatically that it was business not politicians who have created modern America.Bernays was an advisor to General Motors but he was no longer alone.The industry he had founded now flourished as hundreds of public relations advisors organized a vast campaign.They not only used advertisements and billboards but managed to insinuate their message into the editorial pages of the newspapers.It became a bitter fight.

In response to the campaign the government made films to warn about the unscrupulous manipulation of the press by big business and the central villain was the new figure of the public relations man."They try to achieve their ends by working entirely behind the scenes corrupting and deceiving the public.The aims of such groups may be either good or bad so far as the public interest is concerned,but their methods are a grave danger to democratic institutions."

The films also showed how the responsible citizens could monitor the press themselves.They could create a chart that analyzed the reporting for signs of hidden bias.But such earnest instruction was to be no match for the powerful imagination of Edward Bernays.He was about to help create a vision of the utopia that free market capitalism would build in America if it was unleashed.

In 1939 New York hosted the World's Fair. Edward Bernays was a central adviser.He insisted that the theme be the link between democracy and American business.At the heart of the fair was a giant white dome that Bernays named "Democra-City" and the central exhibit was a vast working model of America's future constructed by the General Motors corporation.

- 对我父亲来说,世界博览会是一个保持现状的机会

To my father, the World's Fair,was an opportunity to keep the status quo.

- 就是资本主义在民主之中民主和资本主义是婚姻关系

That is, capitalism in a democracy, democracy and capitalism and that marriage.

- 他通过操纵人们,让他们认为

He did that by manipulating people and getting them to think

- 只有资本主义社会才拥有真正的民主

that you couldn't have real democracy in anything but a capitalist society

- (资本主义社会)无所不能

which was capable of doing anything;

- 能建造优质的高速公路

of creating these wonderful highways,

- 家家都能放电影

of making moving pictures inside everybody's house,

- 有无线电话,还有时髦的跑车

of telephones that didn't need chords, of sleek roadsters.

- 这就是消费主义

It was consumerist

- 同时你得出一个滑稽的结论

but at the same time you inferred that in a funny way

- 民主和资本主义是相伴的

that democracy and capitalism went together.


The World's Fair was an extraordinary success and captured America's imagination.The vision it portrayed was of a new form of democracy in which business responded to people's innermost desires in a way politicians could never do.But it was a form of democracy that depended on treating people not as active citizens,like Roosevelt did, but as passive consumers.Because this Bernays believed, was the key to control in a mass democracy.

- 这不是人民在掌控,而是人民的欲求在掌控

It's not that the people are in charge but that the people's desires are in charge.

- 人民并没当家作主,在这种环境下,人民没有了决断力

The people are not in charge, the people exercise no decision making power within this environment.

- 因此,民主从假定公民是积极的

So democracy is reduced from something which assumes an active citizenry

- 沦落为认为公众是消极的消费者

to the idea of the public as passive consumers

- 他们主要是由本能或潜意识的欲望所驱使的

driven primarily by instinctual or unconscious desires

- 所以如果你真能触发那些需求和欲望

and that if you can in fact trigger those needs and desires,

- 你就能从中得到你想要的

you can get what you want from them.


But this struggle between the two views of human beings as to whether they were rational or irrational was about to be dramatically affected by events in Europe.Events that would also change the fortunes of the Freud family.In March 1938 the Nazis annexed Austria. It was called the Anschluss.Hitler arrived in Vienna to an extraordinary outpouring of mass adulation but even as he drove through the city behind the scenes the Nazis were systematically whipping up and unleashing the hatred of the crowd against the enemies of the new greater Germany.

- 德奥合并是一场可怕的仇恨爆发

The Anschluss was a kind of an explosion of terrible hatred

马塞尔·法斯特 30年代的维也纳居民

Marcel Faust

- 对所谓的敌人,或任何他们认为是敌人的人

of against enemies, so called enemies or whatever they considered as enemies,

- 以及反对整个犹太族群

against the Jews totally

- 也反对许多忤逆纳粹的奥利人

and also against a lot of Austrians who opposed the Nazis in Austria.

- 他们说现在这是合法的,你可以做你想做的,所以他们做了...

They said it's legitimate now, you can do what you want, so they did it...

- 偷窃、抢劫、杀戮,我在这再也待不去了

Stealing and robbing and killing, I can't stay there a while;

- 人的堕落总是离正常行为很近,变质是很快的

human depravity was always near to normal behavior, it can change very quickly...

随着暴力和暗杀在维也纳肆虐,弗洛伊德决定他必须离开,他的目标是去英国,但他知道,像许多国家一样,英国拒绝大多数的犹太难民入境。而英国顶尖的精神分析学家欧内斯特 • 琼斯提供了帮助,他和内政大臣塞缪尔 • 霍尔爵士同在一个滑冰俱乐部里,琼斯说服霍尔给弗洛伊德发放了英国劳工证。于是1938年5月,弗洛伊德和他女儿安娜及其他家庭成员启程前往伦敦,此时英国正在备战,弗洛伊德抵达了伦敦,并与女儿安娜定居在汉普斯特德的一所房子里。但弗洛伊德的癌症在1939年9月恶化,仅仅在战争爆发3周后,他去世了。


适应能力强的爱德华 • 伯奈斯不仅为美国政府工作,还有中央情报局。而弗洛伊德的女儿安娜,也会在美国充满权力。因为她相信人们可以被教导,去控制他们内心的非理性力量。由此,政府将出台大量计划来管理群众的心理生活

As the violence and assassinations raged in Vienna,Freud decided he had to leave.His aim was to go to Britain, but he knew Britain like many countries was refusing entrance to most Jewish refugees.But help came from the leading psychoanalyst in Britain, Ernest Jones.He was in the same ice skating club as the Home Secretary - Sir Samuel Hall,and Jones persuaded Hall to issue Freud a British work permit and in May 1938 Freud, his daughter Anna and other members of his family set off for London.Freud arrived in London as Britain was preparing for war and he settled with his daughter Anna in a house in Hampstead.But Freud's cancer was now far advanced and in September 1939,just 3 weeks after the outbreak of war, he died.

The second world war would utterly transform the way government saw democracy and the people they governed.Next week's program will show how the American government, as a result of the war became convinced there were savage dangerous forces hidden inside all human beings.Forces that needed to be controlled.The terrible evidence from the death camps seemed to show what happened when these forces were unleashed.And politicians and planners in post war America would come to believe that hidden under the surface of their own population were the same dangerous forces.And they would turn to the Freud family to help control this enemy within.

And ever adaptable Edward Bernays would work not just for the American government but the CIA and Sigmund Freud's daughter Anna, would also become powerful in the United States because she believed that people could be taught to control the irrational forces within them.Out of this, would come vast government programs to manage the inner psychological life of the masses.

探求自我的世纪The Century of the Self(2002)


主演:Martin S. Bergmann/Tony Blair/Bill Clinton/Adam Curtis/Robert Reich/Wilhelm Reich

导演:亚当·柯蒂斯 Adam Curtis编剧:亚当·柯蒂斯 Adam Curtis