
半夜十二点踏进影院,第一次见到Coolidge这么多人,买爆米花的人都排到了二楼,隐约觉得不对劲,但这个时候还以为只是波屯人民对indie电影充满着无与伦比的热情…开场前staff特地提醒大家不能扔橄榄球,然后一个teenager观众拿着一大袋一次性塑料勺,一排排发给大家。拿得少还被他提醒说你绝对需要更多,于是我一脸懵逼地抓了一大把。(hindsight: under 18居然能进来看?)

可能这是唯一一部观看时可以随意发出声音的电影吧?(Correct:并不。朋友说Rocky Horror也一样,大家会扔米和toast,看来classic cult都这样,我孤陋寡闻啦。)一出现有水的画面,大家就集体喊“Water!”;每次莫名其妙的新角色出现,大家就喊“Who are you?”; 一旦任何角色开了房间门就喊“Close the door!”, 关上会喊”Thank you!”; 男主和friend group一起玩橄榄球就喊“Sports!”; 男主设置录音机记录出轨证据的时候集体哼Mission Impossible主题旋律;还有著名的 “He’s my best friend”, “Cheep, cheep, cheep”, and etc; 有些sex scene大家还跟着配乐一起拍手打节奏。整齐划一地仿佛误入了女团应援打call现场…除此之外,还不时穿插着各种随机的抖机灵评论,以及随之而来的笑声。

大约每次转场的时候就有人喊“Spoon!”,然后大家就集体投掷映前发的勺子。扔完后再捡起身边的勺,接下来反复循环。感觉像是一场insider小狂欢被我这个局外人不小心误入…(Correct again: “Legend has it that when they filmed The Room, nobody thought to change the pictures that came with the frames when they dressed the set. As a result, every picture frame on screen shows a picture of generic artwork of spoons. When you see spoon art on screen, that's your time to throw one or many plastic spoons in the direction of the screen.”)

即使人声嘈杂,但因为剧情冲突太简单、对话僵硬得像小学课本内容,所以很好跟上。我对电影本身的评价:so random, so American, so DUDE, great acting (with or without irony), didn’t expect to see so many bad sex scenes, and Mark is pretty (Lisa, girl I understand).

总之很奇妙。这片一个人在家看估计很难get到,因为it’s the wired cult fanbase that makes it what it is.

房间The Room(2003)



主演:托米·韦素 Tommy Wiseau/格雷戈·赛斯特罗 Greg Sestero/朱丽叶塔·丹妮埃拉 Juliette Danielle/Philip Haldiman/Carolyn Minnott/Robyn Paris/Mike Holmes/Dan Janjigian/Kyle Vogt/Greg Ellery

导演:托米·韦素 Tommy Wiseau编剧:托米·韦素 Tommy Wiseau
