

主演:Julie Rose Guy Niblett Michael Cole 

导演:John Vernon / Peter Wright / 


Plot Summary:Although the set design and most of the costumes are remarkably like the later Royal Ballet Peter Wright productions, (2001 and 2009) many tiny details are different. While the production design is quite elaborate, much of the action is staged in a simpler manner than in Wright's later versions; for instance, the grandfather in the wheelchair has even less to do than in the later version, the angel that appears to Clara is on the staircase instead of next to the Christmas tree, and no St. Nicholas appears at the Christmas Party to distribute candies. Wright himself has stated that of all his "Nutcracker" productions, this one is the closest to the original.The story is the same as in the standard version of the ballet, with nothing really added to it, except that, as in many Russian versions and the Baryshnikov one, Clara and the Nutcracker Prince (Hans-Peter) are played by adults, not children. Clara's costume once she sneaks downstairs after the Christmas party is completely ...
故事发生在19世纪初的德国,克拉拉(Julie Rose 饰)和弗里茨正满心期待的准备迎接即将到来的圣诞晚会,当晚,从教父德罗赛尔梅亚手中,克拉拉得到了一枚其貌不扬的胡桃夹子作为今年的圣诞礼物,克拉拉非常的喜欢胡桃夹子,就连睡觉也带着它一起。   夜里,一阵响动吵醒了克拉拉,原来是鼠王带领着它的老鼠大军们来袭,想要夺走胡桃夹子。就在这个节骨眼上,胡桃夹子变大了,他指挥着木偶们击退了老鼠大军。原来,胡桃夹子的真身是一位英俊的王子,王子热情的邀请克拉拉前往他统治的糖果王国做客。就这样,克拉拉的奇幻旅程拉开了序幕。


减压冥想 • 著名的芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》剧情简介
