
Plot Summary:May-Alice Culhane was a successful soap opera star, but a car accident has left her bound to a wheelchair. She returns to her now-empty family home in the bayous of Louisiana which she had eagerly left years before. She drinks heavily and vents her bitterness on the succession of nurses who are hired to take care of her and immediately quit because she is so unbearable. Chantelle is the latest of these nurses, and May-Alice is told that Chantelle is the last nurse she'll get. Chantelle for reasons of her own, is also in a position where she badly needs the job to work out. The movie focuses on how these two women become friends and help each other heal emotionally.
女演员梅-艾丽斯因车祸下身瘫痪,黑人女子钱泰莱成为她的看护,一开始她们互相提防,关系很紧张,但后来慢慢成为了朋友。梅-艾丽斯在钱泰莱的鼓励下戒酒戒毒,钱泰莱也开始了一段恋爱。她们互相帮忙并开始反省自己的生活,决心告别今昔,开始一种有意义的人生。   人的期望与成就之间往往存在着巨大差异,而幻想破灭后人必须学会面对困境,或者说一旦人们不能实现他们的期望,生活变得反常,令人疲倦仍然应执着追求生活的意义。影片以平静而富于思考的基调重探讨了这个主题。但作为一部虚构的故事,本片的情节发展显得杂乱散漫。


他他 • [Film Review] Passion Fish (1992)

Emulating the victory of Bruce Beresford’s DRIVING