
sarah • 卡琳顿:Behind the Scenes


【After graduating from Oxford in 1988, West won a part in the movie Reunion, playing a German aristocrat opposite Jason Robards. Two-and-a-half years in theater and TV roles led to Howards End. During that shoot, West found that costars Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson were both quite the clowns. "I'm silly, but they're sillier," West says. While filming Carrington last year in Yorkshire, Thompson impressed him even more. To deal with raw nerves before their steamy sex scenes, he says, she burst into his dressing room and whipped open her robe to show her naked self, shouting, "Right! This is it!" It was, notes West, "the perfect way to break the ice."



又名:玻璃情人(台) / 爱与痛的边缘 / 卡林顿


主演:Emma Thompson/Jonathan Pryce/Steven Waddington/Samuel West/Rufus Sewell

导演:Christopher Hampton编剧:Christopher Hampton