

主演:庹宗华 赵骏亚 廖威廉 黄姵嘉 李兴文 王道 刘国劭 魏瑞陈 林真亦 吴旻儒 黄榕 梅耀天 翟小北 

导演:梅长锟 / 编剧:梅长锟 Chang-kun Mei/陈昱俐


Plot Summary:From 1988 to 2000, Taiwan released six Yes, Sir. films about the experiences of army recruits. The classic movie series returns in 2016 with its seventh installment and a new batch of greenhorns to whip into shape, including Lollipop F's William Liao as a free-spirited rookie who thinks army service is a waste of time and Peijia Huang (Ni zhuan sheng (2014)) as a hard-headed female soldier determined to prove herself. Chunya Chao, who shot to fame through the army-themed TV series Rookies' Diary, plays a team captain again, while series stalwart Tsung-Hua To returns as an army commander. Set in 2009, Yes, Sir. 7 references the Typhoon Morakot disaster when thousands of soldiers were deployed in relief operations.
台湾军教片《报告 班长7》宣布开镜,导演梅长锟、演员 庹宗华、赵骏亚、威廉、黄姵嘉、李 兴文出席开镜记者会。过去在《报告 班长》系列电影中担任“军队班长”的 庹宗华也将“班长”角色交接给演员赵 骏亚,象征军教片的世代交替。


游侠一笑 • 接受了一次台式主旋律的洗礼

第一次看台湾的当代主旋律,所谓的军教片。 试图加入喜剧的元素,但真一点也不好笑。说教的味道太浓了点。