
灵岚 • 情感的力量:III

[[accept me in your ranks, that i do not die a common death. i do not wish to die in vain. yet gladly will i sacrifice myself for the fatherland, bleed my heart’s blood for the fatherland. the heralds bring tidings of victory: the battle is won! Rejoice, oh fatherland, and do not count the dead. not one too many has fallen for you. ]]荷尔德林
12:20 接一首经典爱情歌曲与百老汇爱情电影截图
独白:人不能忍受一件事物太久,他会break out 在沉默中爆发/死亡
14:24 接几个陪审员把玩一把作案的来复枪,并商讨被告女子的犯罪动机 you see, there is a certain logic... [on something of the emotion]

14:28 字幕 THE SHOT
14:32 法官审问女被告 why do you....take the rifle out even if you don't know how to use it. - i wanted to shoot. 她始终重复这个想要开枪的欲望 we are going round in circles. [this is human condition] 这时候,与法官不同的是,我们想[[问她为什么有开枪的欲望]]who did you want to shoot? - i didn't know. - did you want to fire into the air. - that DEPENDED. - on what? - on what my husband said. 始终特写女被告表情的镜头切木讷的法官上半身 - did he say anything? - he was too drunk. - you saw that? - of course.
15:35 - why did you turn the rifle to yourself? - i didnt remember. - what was the purpose?
it's not a deed. its incident. perhaps a lapse.

20:58 古巴比伦的遭难因为什么,结果是什么,图像是古画
21:22 着火房子的影像,跳楼的人,直升机,archive
21:55 歌剧音乐,配歌剧彩排降格影像
22:50 archive [[一段电影原声之后,接一段配乐]]再接原声,再接旁白
28:18 古典交响+日落城市全景+古油画+解说+火化+教堂
29:43 冬夜,家里阳台外下雪

30:20 老电影,默片,男女,旁白he said i love you, then he said something wrong.
37:00 雨夜,警察车里讲话
37:18 推销员被捉捕进监狱
37:36 saved by the guilty of another
38:41 审问这个妻子,答 my lover's callousness无情 and cunning hits me harder than the defendant's behavior which i didn't even notice. - this is impossible. - 女人迅速而无情回:i am not sure about that.
39:37 老电影 in1918,he returned home from the front. he found his wife in bed with another man.
41:29 拍一个女人坐在公园写诗,接黑胶音乐和旁白
42:32 一个老工人,拧螺丝,并说it needs a lot of feeling. it can't be too loose there has to be tension. not too much tesion, though otherwise it will shear off.[[工人没有被商品异化的例子]]但工人的讲话很明显有飘走的趋势,逻辑不强,文字素养不强。但在飘来飘去中,偶尔讲出耐人寻味的东西。

52:00 又回到THE SHOT叙事中那个开枪女被告的事情

情感的力量Die Macht der Gefühle(1983)

又名:The Power of Emotion


主演:Hannelore Hoger/Alexandra Kluge/Edgar M. Böhlke

导演:Alexander Kluge编剧:Alexander Kluge


灵岚 • III