00:53 1962年提出上演假恐怖袭击,即用无人驾驶的飞机袭击,飞机遇难乘客由联邦特工假扮。(为后文的猜想做铺垫)
02:51 The cover of FEMA's "Emergency Response to Terrorism" depicts the World Trade Center in crosshairs.
02:56 1998年 无人驾驶飞机飞行高度达到商用喷气客机的巡航高度。
03:39重建美国国防报告中提到the process of transformation,even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catstrophic and catalyzing event –like a new Pearl Harbor.
03:53 2000年演习模拟一架波音757飞机坠落五角大楼a pilot who participates in this exercise,flying his boeing 757,crashes into thepentagon.
05:03 2001 a 3.5 billion dollar insurance covers acts of terrorism
05:24 2001 put options are placed on United Airlines’ stock
05:40 pull the bomb sniffing dogs from the World Trade Center
05:49 put options are placed on Boeing's stock
06:09 some officials cancelled their flight plan that day
2.58-8.12 evidence of US government planning 911
7:51crash the building
9:01 versions of eyewitnesses
12:15the crash of the pentagon
12.48 description of government‘s official statement of how the plane crash into the pentagon
20.38 whole didn’t match with the airplane
30:15the collapse of the World Trade Building
31:35 doubtful point of official explanation that the Twin Towers were collapsed because of an internal fire
53:32 how the bombs get into the building without anyone noticing
55:47 confusion of flight 93: There is no victims on the crash site, except for a hole in the ground which looks like a man-made hole. Maybe there are no passengers on the “flight”
1:01:39 the statement of Bin laden
1:02:15 the missing of the black box
1:06:08 the phone calls seem to be faked
1:10:38 the hijackers still at large
1:12:13the vide of Osama
1:13:59 the beneficiaries of 911,the suspicion of the gold underground,911 give Bush an excuse to start the Iraq war


脆弱的变化:第二辑Loose Change: Second Edition(2006)

又名:911恐怖大骗局 第二版



导演:Dylan Avery编剧:Dylan Avery/Jason Bermas/Korey Rowe