在第一季的12集 大概40分钟处
we're not so different. 你和我 我们很相似.
we both a little guarded, a little screwed up. 我们都都有点拒人之外,有些黑历史.
Maybe a lot screwed up. 也许有很多黑历史.
And we both have killed people. 我们都杀过人.
It leaves you feeling like you have to make up for it somehow...那会让你觉得 需要做些什么去弥补...
You know you have to solve every case. 觉得有义务必须侦破每个案子.
Maybe throw yourself in front of a few cars 就算要以血肉之躯拦车
to make sure a bad guy doesn't get away 也要保证坏人落网
But it doesn't work, none of it.但这个行不通 哪个都不行.
I don't have to kill him 我不是非杀他不可.
I shouldn't have, but i did.我不应该杀他的, 但还是杀了.
And that's something - i'm gonna have to live with 这就是 我一辈子都要背负的事.
Me too
Can I tell u something Henry?
For me, you make that a little easier
I just want to be - able to do the same for you.


又名:不朽法医 / 永恒

主演:艾恩·格拉法德 Ioan Gruffudd/阿兰娜·德拉·伽兹 Alana De La Garza/乔·大卫·摩尔 Joel David Moore/贾德·赫希 Judd Hirsch/麦肯泽·毛祖 Mackenzie Mauzy/芭芭拉·伊芙·哈里斯 Barbara Eve Harris/约翰·诺贝尔 John Noble

导演:布拉德·安德森 Brad Anderson编剧:马修·米勒 Matthew Miller

