I've seen a lot of death, a lot of pain, a lot of suffering. But I've also seen a lot of life... A lot of beauty, a lot of wonder. It's not the number of years we live that matters. Our lives just add up to a series of moments. We never know when or where they'll happen. But they stick with us, marking our souls forever.

The problem with living for 200 years isn't the loneliness or the pain or the loss. Okay, sure, it is those things. But what really gets you is when life ceases to surprise you.

I've spent my entire life studying the human body, and I can say with scientific certainty more important than blood or oxygen or even love... is hope.

As sad and dreadful as death may be, it forces us to cherish every moment because the truth is... Life is precious because it's finite.

When you're immortal, you have to be reminded of beauty. Days stretch into years, stretch into centuries. Time can lose its meaning.

So however long you live, even though that might prove a very, very long time... You must tell yourself to live every day... every hour, as if it could be your last.

Our body feels pain to warn us of danger. But it also reminds us we're alive, that we can still feel. That's why some of us seek it out... ...while others choose to numb it. Solitude has always been my analgesic of choice. But what if feeling nothing is the worst pain of all? What if the sharing of pain connects us to others and reminds us that none of us is alone,as long as we can feel?

A great alienist once told me, that we must face those moments we choose to forget. Only by confronting our fears, are we able to grow, to change, and to be able to face our next.

Yes, some memories are precious......and we need to hang on to them. But Emily Dickinson wrote, "Forever is composed of nows," And she's right. If we root ourselves too deeply in the past, we'll miss what's right in front of us.

There are moments in all of our lives when we are compelled to ask ourselves, how far are we willing to go for what we want?

How much are we willing to risk, to sacrifice, to endure? Because it's one thing to yearn for something... But quite another to find the strength to achieve it.

None of us can make it through this life without suffering some kind of pain. Having lived through my fair share, I can tell you the most difficult to endure is loneliness.

Adam was right. Life is a game and one that we must play. No matter how careful we are, there is simply no way to go through this life unscathed. But, fortunately for us, it's a game we don't have to play alone.


又名:不朽法医 / 永恒

主演:艾恩·格拉法德 / 阿兰娜·德拉·伽兹 / 乔·大卫·摩尔 / 贾德·赫希 / 麦肯泽·毛祖 / 芭芭拉·伊芙·哈里斯 / 约翰·诺贝尔 / 

导演:布拉德·安德森 / 编剧:马修·米勒 Matthew Miller

