
七姑娘 • 不死法医:摘录

「1」It's don't mess with fate
Lay low outlive and move on到How do we fight back ? 这就是我的Henry Morgan的成长✊

】Just imagine all the things you could do with eternity
See the world .speak countless languages
In fact .there's almost nothing in this life l haven't done except leave it

】H:Abe .l think it's safe to say that l've yet to figure out what the point of life is.
A:that's why we keep looking

】You might not be able to die . But you haven't lived for a very long time

】H:All of it .everything I've learned .everying I've ever done was all so I'd be worthy of you And l love you more than I've ever loved anything in this world ❤️
A:Everything you are .everything you're learned is for something bigger. You were made like this for a reason
But it wasn't for me !💕

】 I'm the least judgement person you'll ever meet

】There is a part of him that l still feel
I just want it to go away
H :it won't 👍

】H:I've seen a lot of death a lot of pain .a lot of suffering but I also see a lot of life .a lot of beauty a lot of wonder ✨

】It's not a number of years we live that matters. Our lives just add up a series of moments.(美好) We never know when or where they'll happen.but they stick with us.marking our souls forever😜

】But what really gets you is when life ceases to surprise you😁
What keeps us alive more important than blood or oxygen or even love
Is hope💃

My thoughts exactly
Sorry for your loss
You have my word

<2>Life is about the journey,no matter how long it lasts.

<3>Were you ever really alive?
We're men of science

Who's gonna take care of you when
I 'm gone?
Life is precious because it's finite
You only live once

<4>If you have a chance at love ,take it.

<5>Every generation likes to think they're improving upon the past
I mean ,not that history doesn't repeat itself ,but that we don't have any ability to change it.

<6>Always loved the smell in here .
You must allow yourself to feel the pain.the guilt.the shame
Don't judge until you're given it a try
(好多人都说你变了,但她们并不知道你经历了什么,好多人不明白你为什么这么执着减肥,她们并不知道你曾经历了什么,so,no judgement about you don't know)
Not as well as you think (看到我的Henry敢于奋起反抗啦,一身正气,不因谁而改变。)

<7>We all have our secrets,don't we?
In the heat of any moment we all have an instinct for self-preservation
You're being too hard on yourself
You're get past this .you must.
Just give it time
There are things for all of us that even all the time in the world wouldn't be able to erase(你可能因为做错一件事悔恨终生,一生弥补,浪荡公子因为夺了人的性命,这永远不能抹去的记忆,一生福利事业
What's your biggest secret ?你有很多小秘密你不愿示人,你为了别人更好的的评价,为了不被别人批评,做了些很愚蠢的事情,抛开抛开。
我没有自信做很好,但我有自信比我之前做得好😎let it go .just do)

8To be mortal

9Let him find his own way
Let him become his own man .
Fortunately , l have an excellent teacher(耳濡目染,爵士与古典的碰撞,在反思我能给我的孩子耳濡目染什么呢,所以一直追寻一直尝试,find you own way ,不断向过去的自己告别。看到最后这一幕好暖。)7.7

For better or worse,l know who l am
11 When you're ready to talk ,l 'm here.we all are
In a way .the shared secret tells us who our real friends are.
12l just wish l could have kept him safe, That's a father's job.right?
Risking your life for something u believe in is a blessing .
U are ,indeed, capable of making your own choices .as l was at your age!!!💝(你可能拼了命得想保护Ta,你受过的那些苦不愿让ta再尝 ,到ta自己该为自己的选择负责任的时候let him do let him try)
13】I can't wait to see u tonight
Trust me.he knew❤️
14】The average person is said to apologize 12 times a day.
Sometimes.the people we love are the ones who anger us the most.

15】Knowing that my son may follow his own dreams whatever they are
Which is why every child should be treated as a king or queen no matter how old our children may be(被Henry给他儿子的吻暖到了,想爸妈,对他们好点,妈妈已没有妈妈了

17】Every body deserves their secrets

18】Those are the real pirates
We must face those moments we choose to forget .Only by confronting our fears are we able to grow ,to change and to be able to face our next.(They lived .200年的执念终于释怀了)

20】The single best thing to do in Paris is get lost
Only if done with someone you find very special 💕
How far are we willing to go for what we what? Cause it's one thing to yearn for something ,but another to find the strength to achieve it.

19】 Life never ceases to surprise
21】A good woman is hard to find(die for protected)
22】A:she was an angle
A:Don't let rage cloud your judgement U aren't a killer(不管外界环境如何变化,我希望你最初的善良不能变)
I will gladly trade my life for proof of the existence of something else out there something bigger than our mortal lives (你缺的就是这种)


又名:不朽法医 / 永恒

主演:艾恩·格拉法德 Ioan Gruffudd/阿兰娜·德拉·伽兹 Alana De La Garza/乔·大卫·摩尔 Joel David Moore/贾德·赫希 Judd Hirsch/麦肯泽·毛祖 Mackenzie Mauzy/芭芭拉·伊芙·哈里斯 Barbara Eve Harris/约翰·诺贝尔 John Noble

导演:布拉德·安德森 Brad Anderson编剧:马修·米勒 Matthew Miller

